Term 4 Week 9 Newsletter
- From the Principal
- From the APRIM
- IMPORTANT - Monday 30 January 2023
- Follow our Facebook page during the holidays!
- OLQP People's Choice Community Lottery
- Goodstart Early Learning Child Care - Cheltenham
- VACSWIM 2022/2023
- SACA Cricket Holiday Clinics
- Early Learning @ OLQP!
- Before & After School Care
- OLQP Enrolments 2023-2025

Term 4 Week 9 Newsletter
Just like that, the school year is over, and what a year it was!
Sadly, we started the year with COVID restrictions which meant that we were not able to have all students and families on site.
Over my 12 months here, I have learnt a lot about the school and the community. In addition to my child-centred approach, I have taken onboard feedback from families about past and current concerns. My consistent approach has been to focus on school improvement and to be genuine, whilst ensuring Our Lady Queen of Peace is providing the very best for the children in our care.
Moving forward with a new vision
I’m sure you have heard me say, “There have been times I feel like I am walking in someone else’s shoes.”, as the school year was already planned for me. Though I have tried to personalise it to suit my own leadership and vision, there have been some restrictions. 2023 is my opportunity to bring my vision to life as it will be based on and staffed on what I believe is important to this community.
Finding the balance between implementing change and people being comfortable about change can be tricky. I have found the support of both the School Board and Parents & Friends helpful in managing this balance.
Change during the holiday break
I hope you have learnt a bit about me; I am not very good at sitting on my hands. You have already seen many changes that have occurred in the school. Over the holiday break, more changes are coming!
New Early Years and Primary Precinct
The creation of the Early Years and Primary Precinct is a priority for me. At the start of 2023, classrooms will have moved and some structures will be put in place. Part of this vision will continue to be rolled out during Term 1, 2023. The delay is based on either accessing resources or labour to complete it.
New Performing Arts Room
Over the holidays, we will have moved and refurbished the Music Room, which will become known as the Performing Arts Room. There will be space for Music, including 3 glass instrumental booths, as well as a stage area.
Click on the images below to enlarge.
New Food Tech Room
Next door to the Performing Arts area, will be the Food Tech Room. I have just purchased two commercial ovens for this space; combined they will have capacity for 16 muffin trays that can hold 12 muffins each. This indication of size shows how a whole class can cook at one time. The Breakfast Club will return in 2023 which will use this new Food Tech space.
Resurfacing of courts
We now have timelines for the resurfacing of our courts and the construction of our Nature Play area. The court resurfacing is scheduled for the end of March/early April, and the Nature Play is scheduled for the end of May.
And finally ...
Thank you to all staff, students and families for a good year, and I look forward to an exciting new year. I have truly appreciated the kind words families have shared with me about the school, and value that you are able to see the change that is occurring in this community. I am not content with leading a good school; I want to lead an amazing school. This transformation does not occur overnight, but I know we are heading in the right direction.
As always, my door is always open. I always appreciate knowing about the good, the bad and the ugly - only if I know, change can occur.
Merry Christmas.
Lee Abela

The last few weeks have been a joy to be involved with. We had our:
- Carol’s Night, which was a wonderful celebration,
- end of year Mass,
- Year 6 Graduation events, and
- final assembly.
Classes have been learning about Advent and the birth of Jesus; this is central to the celebration of Christmas in our Catholic faith. It is a busy and wonderful time of year, and I hope that you all are enjoying this time of Advent and preparing for Christmas celebrations.
Matthew 1:18-24
This Sunday will be the fourth (and final) Sunday of Advent before Christmas. The Gospel reading according to Matthew will be read.
In this reading, Joseph did not believe Mary at first. A message from a dream helped him believe. We have cause to thank Joseph for showing what dreams can be made of! The message of Advent (and our life) is: ‘Do not be afraid’. This is what the angel said to Mary and what the angel said to Joseph. God does not bring fear into our lives but peace and acceptance and, finally, rejoicing.
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew
Jesus was born of Mary, the betrothed of Joseph, a son of David.
This is how Jesus Christ came to be born. His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph; but before they came to live together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, being a man of honour and wanting to spare her publicity, decided to divorce her informally. He had made up his mind to do this when the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because she has conceived what is in her by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son and you must name him Jesus, because he is the one who is to save his people from their sins.’ Now all this took place to fulfil the words spoken by the Lord through the prophet:
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son
and they will call him Emmanuel,
a name which means ‘God-is-with-us’.
When Joseph woke up he did what the angel of the Lord had told him to do: he took his wife to his home.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for welcoming me into the school community over the last two terms. I look forward to returning next year and working with the staff, students, and families.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas. See you all in 2023!
Click on the images below to enlarge.
Marissa Redden
Assistant Principal - Religious Identity & Mission

Student-free Day
Students will start the school year on Tuesday 31 January 2023, as Monday 30 January is a student-free day.
If you require care for your child on Monday 30 January 2023, our OSHC is still available.
Please contact OSHC to secure your spot!
Jo Fahey - 0417 840 700
OSHC & Vacation Care Director

Make sure to "LIKE" and follow OLQP's Facebook page during the summer holidays!
Significant and exciting change is occurring onsite during this time, and we will be providing updates throughout the summer break.
Click here to access OLQP's Facebook page, and make sure to "LIKE" it so that you don't miss out on the excitement!
People's Choice Community Lottery
People’s Choice facilitate the Community Lottery’s administration, advertising, prizes and tickets so that OLQP will pocket 100% of every $2 ticket sold!
There are 43 prizes worth over $300,000 to be won!
And the biggest prize is that 100% of every ticket you buy benefits OLQP students!
Click on the following link or adjacent poster to purchase your tickets.
Kind regards
OLQP P & F Committee

Goodstart Early Learning Child Care Centre, located on Port Road, opened in 2018.
Their environments have been specifically designed to engage, challenge and excite the children throughout all of their developmental stages.
With a strong commitment and focus to create a warm and welcoming community focused centre, they look forward to building and maintaining meaningful and true relationships with all our families and children.
Click here to download Goodstart - Cheltenham's flyer for more information and contact details. You can also click on the image to enlarge!

VACSWIM is South Australia's most renowned summer holiday program giving our kids (aged 3-12) confidence in and around the water! Programs are offered as 5-day blocks across over 120 locations so there's bound to be one near you.
The VACSWIM program is a SA Government subsidised and endorsed summer holiday water safety program.
How do I find out if there is a VACSWIM location near me?
Check out the locations page for a list of the locations and their dates. Click here for locations.
Click here to download the VACSWIM brochure, which includes cost information and contact details.

South Australian Cricket Association (SACA) Holiday Clinics
Click on the image to follow the QR code link.
Scan the QR code to access more information regarding SACA Holiday Clinics for the upcoming school holidays.
Hayden Wooldridge
Participation Officer - North West | SACA
Phone: 8300 3822

More information, including times, scheduled activities AND contact details can be found in the downloadable flyer via the following link:
Occasional Care
OLQP Occasional Care is an accredited program for 3-5 years olds, and is delivered by qualified educators.
Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9am to 12noon during school terms.
Cost is $10 per session.
Further information and details can be found via the link to the UPDATED downloadable flyer:
More questions?
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Rachael - rstathis@olqp.catholic.edu.au
Rachael Stathis
Occasional Care & Playgroup Coordinator

Online bookings
A reminder to families that the new booking app is up and running, please speak to Jo if you are having difficulties accessing it.
Please continue to call or text if you are unable to secure your required spot as spaces are blocked to allow for the correct staff : child ratio, spots may be available on request.
To be able access the website app, families must have an email address that is recorded on their Spike account. Families use their email address and PIN code to sign in. Families will be able to see their children's current and upcoming bookings, invoices and current balance owing.
The parent's child care app, Spike Childcare, can be saved to your mobile phone's homepage. Follow this link: Spike Childcare Booking App
New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings still need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director
Sibling enrolments
Do you have a toddler or child at kindergarten? Have you enrolled them at OLQP yet?
While priority is given to siblings of children already attending OLQP, we still require a completed “Application for Enrolment” for each and every child.
All families wishing to enrol their children in Reception for 2023-2025 must lodge a completed “Application for Enrolment” as soon as possible.
Please note: If your child was born between 1 May and 31 October, they are eligible for our Semester 2 intake. Application for Enrolment forms are available from the school office or via the downloadable link below:
Download an Application for Enrolment form here.
Contact Maureen on 8279 8800 for more information.
Maureen Wilkinson
Enrolment Officer