Term 4 Week 6 Newsletter
- From the Principal
- From the APRIM
- IMPORTANT - Monday 30 January 2023
- Vacation Care Dec 22 / Jan 23 Holidays
- Playgroup Occasional Care Update
- OSHC STILL needs your HELP!!
- Early Learning @ OLQP!
- OLQP People's Choice Community Lottery
- Goodstart Early Learning Child Care - Cheltenham
- Before & After School Care
- OLQP Enrolments 2023-2025
- Second-hand uniform shop
- Canteen News
- SACA Cricket Holiday Clinics

Term 4 Week 4 Newsletter
Great News
It is with absolute excitement that I can announce we have received system approval (Catholic Education) to move forward with our Nature Play project. I was quick to inform Climbing Tree that we are able to move forward, so that we can get onto their booking sheet! I hope to have a start date as soon as possible.
School Improvement
We have clearly demonstrated this year that we are serious about school improvement – especially regarding learning, behaviour/regulation, and with our physical environment! Everything that we have done this year and continue to do moving forward is deliberate, intentional and child centred! A lot of planning has gone into 2023 to ensure we are providing our students with the very best.
Not only am I very excited about the staffing team for 2023, we have also reimagined our learning environments and have ensured students are in the most ideal location around the school so that they are able to have growth in their learning outcomes. To achieve this, Our Lady Queen of Peace School will be a busy place over the holiday break.
Projects – Learning Precincts
In 2023, we will introduce and welcome an Early Years Learning precinct (Reception to Year 2). This will be located at the other side of the school. The Music Room will be transformed into the Reception classrooms. The Occasional Care and Play Group rooms will remain. The Year 5/6 classes will become the Year 1 classrooms (there will be two of them), and the Year 3/4 class will become the Year 2 classroom. I am hoping by early Term 1, we will have a mini Nature Play area in the vicinity of the stage.
The new Primary Years precinct (Years 3 to 6) will be located at the front of the school, as the Year 5/6 classrooms will move into the current Year 1/2S and Year 1/2MG rooms. The outside courtyard on Botting Street will be transformed into an outdoor learning space which will have sun sails and furniture to support student learning. The courtyard on the other side can also be used.
The Year 3/4 classes will move to the current Reception classrooms. Again, students will be able to access the outside courtyard on Botting Street which will be transformed into an additional learning area.
Each of these precincts and learning spaces will allow teachers to support students increase their learning outcomes. A significant amount of research has gone into the relationship between learning and the learning environment.
Projects – Music Room
The Music Room will become the Performing Arts Centre. It will be relocated into the current Multipurpose Room. This space will be soundproofed so not to interrupt the learning in the adjacent classrooms. Two instrumental lesson booths and a stage area will be incorporated into this space as well.
My hope would be that these projects are ready to go for the start of 2023 but am mindful there might be some delay.
Moving Forward
There are numerous other projects in the wind which I will share with you in due course. It's important to know these transitions to student learning and school improvement have been discussed with staff, School Board, the Architects and various CESA Consultants. I am happy to discuss these with you if you have any questions.
It is truly an exciting time to be a part of Our Lady Queen of Peace! The feedback I received from new families to the school community is that they love the direction the school is taking and can see the growth and improvement. For existing families, they are thankful that school improvement is finally happening and want it to continue.
Thank you to the many families that were actively involved in Sports Day; it was an amazing community event. "Well done" to our students who participated and represented the school at the SACPSSA Athletics Carnival. Not only were they highly competitive and won the shield, our students were also respectful and polite.
Click on the images below to view enlarged versions.
You can also see more images of Sports Day and the SACPSSA Athletics Carnival on our Facebook page - follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/olqpschoolsa
Day 1 - 2023 School Year
One final note - students will start the 2023 school year on Tuesday 31 January. The School Board has approved a student free day on Monday 30 January 2023 so that staff can engage in Day 2 of the Restorative Practices professional development. The professional development will underpin our Respectful Relationships Policy and Procedures.
Lee Abela

Advent is the season that comes before Christmas. It uses the colour purple which is symbolic for preparation or waiting. The first Sunday of Advent begins on 27th November 2022. This is the time where we are preparing for the birth of Jesus.
On Tuesday 15 November 2022, six OLQP students completed the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Congratulations to Sophie Pritchard, Indiah Sellers, Poppy McKenna, Mateo Sibal, Ignacio Abreu Carrillo, and Charlie Willoughby for beginning your Sacramental journey.
Click on the image below to view an enlarged version.
Have you ever wondered what happens in the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
During this sacrament, a person:
- Reflects upon their life especially about their good and poor choices
- Speaks with a priest about areas of life they want to change
- Confess their sins and express sorrow
- Receives God’s healing & forgiveness
- Makes up for their wrong-doing through penance
Marissa Redden
Assistant Principal - Religious Identity & Mission

Student-free Day
As mentioned in Mr Abela's Principal article, students will start the school year on Tuesday 31 January 2023, as Monday 30 January is a student-free day.
If you require care for your child on Monday 30 January 2023, our OSHC is still available.
Please contact OSHC to secure your spot!
Jo Fahey - 0417 840 700
OSHC & Vacation Care Director

Program & Booking Information
The program for Vacation Care December 2022 / January 2023 is NOW AVAILABLE!
Book your child's spot in OLQP's Vacation Care program for the Summer 2022/2023 school holidays.
Exciting and fun sessions are likely to fill up fast, so book now to avoid the disappointment of missing out.
You can collect a hard copy of the program from the OSHC room or download the Vacation Care December 2022 / January 2023 program here.
Jo Fahey
OSHC & Vacation Care Director

Why is PLAY important?
Play is important in the development of children's fine and gross motor skills. Through play, children practise the control and coordination of large body movements (gross motor skills), as well as the coordination of small muscle movements (fine motor skills).
Developing our gross motor and fine motor skills is an important part of the play and learning that we do at OLQP Occasional Care and Playgroup each week.
This week's highlights
This week we enjoyed having Playgroup at the playground. We had a lot of fun playing on the equipment. We also enjoyed singing, reading, and blowing and catching bubbles while we were there.
During Occasional Care this week, we also went on an excursion to the playground. We walked safely as a group to and from the playground and we had a lot of fun swinging, sliding, climbing and spinning on the equipment.
Click HERE for the Playgroup/Occasional Care newsletter, and learn more about what we got up to during our sessions, as well as more photos!
Rachael Stathis
Playgroup and Occasional Care Coordinator
Thanks to the families that have helped out so far, but we still need more!
A shout out for large boxes please!
We are still in need of large boxes for an activity during December 2022 Vacation Care.
If you have any cardboard boxes large enough for a child to sit in, please drop off your donations to OSHC or via the front office.
We require Christmas decorations!
OSHC also welcomes the donation of any unwanted Christmas decorations, in particular tinsel. No glass ornaments please.
If you can help, please drop off your donations to OSHC.
Thanks, in anticipation.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director

During Term 4, 2022, Playgroup is scheduled on Wednesdays from 9am to 10.30am.
Come along for play-based learning and fun, and make new friends!
An UPDATED TERM 4 OUTLINE & PROGRAM are available at the following links:
More information, including times, scheduled activities AND contact details can be found in the downloadable flyer via the following link:
Occasional Care
OLQP Occasional Care is an accredited program for 3-5 years olds, and is delivered by qualified educators.
Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9am to 12noon during school terms.
Cost is $10 per session.
Further information and details can be found via the link to the UPDATED downloadable flyer:
More questions?
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Rachael - rstathis@olqp.catholic.edu.au
Rachael Stathis
Occasional Care & Playgroup Coordinator
People's Choice Community Lottery
People’s Choice facilitate the Community Lottery’s administration, advertising, prizes and tickets so that OLQP will pocket 100% of every $2 ticket sold!
There are 43 prizes worth over $300,000 to be won!
And the biggest prize is that 100% of every ticket you buy benefits OLQP students!
Click on the following link or adjacent poster to purchase your tickets.
Kind regards
OLQP P & F Committee

Goodstart Early Learning Child Care Centre, located on Port Road, opened in 2018.
Their environments have been specifically designed to engage, challenge and excite the children throughout all of their developmental stages.
With a strong commitment and focus to create a warm and welcoming community focused centre, they look forward to building and maintaining meaningful and true relationships with all our families and children.
Click here to download Goodstart - Cheltenham's flyer for more information and contact details. You can also click on the image to enlarge!

Online bookings
A reminder to families that the new booking app is up and running, please speak to Jo if you are having difficulties accessing it.
Please continue to call or text if you are unable to secure your required spot as spaces are blocked to allow for the correct staff : child ratio, spots may be available on request.
To be able access the website app, families must have an email address that is recorded on their Spike account. Families use their email address and PIN code to sign in. Families will be able to see their children's current and upcoming bookings, invoices and current balance owing.
The parent's child care app, Spike Childcare, can be saved to your mobile phone's homepage. Follow this link: Spike Childcare Booking App
New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings still need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director
Sibling enrolments
Do you have a toddler or child at kindergarten? Have you enrolled them at OLQP yet?
While priority is given to siblings of children already attending OLQP, we still require a completed “Application for Enrolment” for each and every child.
All families wishing to enrol their children in Reception for 2023-2025 must lodge a completed “Application for Enrolment” as soon as possible.
Please note: If your child was born between 1 May and 31 October, they are eligible for our Semester 2 intake. Application for Enrolment forms are available from the school office or via the downloadable link below:
Download an Application for Enrolment form here.
Contact Maureen on 8279 8800 for more information.
Maureen Wilkinson
Enrolment Officer

The OLQP Second-hand Uniform Shop service, facilitated by a dedicated group of parents, supports the community access quality and affordable second-hand uniforms for their children.
Please note CURRENT opening times:
MONDAYS - P & F Room (adjacent the Canteen)
- 8.40am – 9am
- 2.45pm – 3.10pm
Do you have any OLQP uniform items that are washed and in good condition, that your child no longer wears?
If so, please consider passing them onto the Second-hand Uniform Shop.
The staff in the front office are happy to accept and pass on your donation (or consignment items) to the Second-hand Uniform Shop volunteers.
Call 8279 8800 if you require more information.
Louisa Scopacasa
Second-hand Uniform Shop Coordinator
P & F Committee

he school canteen is open EVERY Friday.
Orders can be placed via the QKR! App by 8am Friday mornings.
Alternatively, you can place your order in a brown paper bag with money enclosed and place it in the box provided in your child’s classroom.
The updated canteen menu can be accessed and downloaded via the link below.
Download the canteen menu here
Wendy Koegler
Canteen Manager

South Australian Cricket Association (SACA) Holiday Clinics
Click on the image to follow the QR code link.
Scan the QR code to access more information regarding SACA Holiday Clinics for the upcoming school holidays.
Hayden Wooldridge
Participation Officer - North West | SACA
Phone: 8300 3822