Term 4 Week 6 2024 Newsletter
- Useful Links
- From the Principal
- 2025 Teaching Update
- 75 Year Celebration
- 75 Year Celebration
- From the Assistant Principal Religious Identity & Mission
- From the Assistant Principal Learning, Engagement & Teaching
- Chess Club gallery
- PE / Sport
- SACPSSA gallery
- Class update - RRS
- RRS class update gallery
- Class update - 2CE
- 2CE class update gallery
- Class update - 3/4MM
- 3/4MM class update gallery
- Class update - 5/6LT
- 5/6LT class update gallery
- Class update - 5/6SH
- 5/6SH class update gallery
- Celebrating our pre service teachers
- Student free day
- Early Learning @ OLQP!
- Parents and Friends Committee update
- Second hand uniform shop
- Before & After School Care
- Community News
- Del Sante Gardens Calisthenics
- Port Adelaide Softball Club

Term 4 Week 6 2024 Newsletter

Download any of the following documents by clicking on the link.
Playgroup & Occasional Care
Parents & Friends Committee
- Email: PNF@olpq.catholic.edu.au
Second hand Uniform Shop
- Please note that the Parents and Friends Committee are no longer accepting uniforms for sale on consignment.
Term calendars
- Term 1, 2024 calendar
- Term 2, 2024 calendar - Updated 05/24
- Term 3, 2024 calendar - Updated 08/24
- Term 4, 2024 calendar - Updated 11/24

I have recently reflected on my time at Our Lady Queen of Peace School, especially as I am coming to the end of my third year as principal. I thought back to the announcement of my appointment and how I shared this information with families and friends. When telling people the name of the school, most responded with, “Where is that?, which I followed up with “Albert Park” – again, most responded with “Where is that?”.
Though Our Lady Queen of Peace School has been a good school in the western suburbs, many people did not actually not know that we existed. I think back to the first time we were a polling booth for an election, and listening to families who live only streets away saying, “I had no idea there was a school here”.
Over the last few years, we have focused on making people aware that Our Lady Queen of Peace School exists. Though we have been part of billboard campaigns and physical school improvements, the things that have made the biggest change include:
- the opportunities we created for our students,
- our approach and the consistency we have put in place for student learning, and
- the care and support that each student receives.
As a community, we should be pleased with our NAPLAN results, especially the Year 3 data. Our local data and comparative data across the western region and the state are impressive. This is the result of having a consistent approach in our teaching practices.
Year 1 Phonic Test
Again, our local data and comparative data across the western region are noteworthy. I have been asked if other educators can observe the teaching and learning in our classrooms that has allowed for this growth to occur.
This year, we have seen our students:
- participate in the SALA Festival; be granted the privilege of front row performances at the Catholic Schools Music Festival;
- win the State and National Competitions of the Makers Empire Kids in Space program;
- achieve great results in standardised testing (NAPLAN); compete well in out of school sports and school competitions;
- participate as part of the Children’s University Australia program.
Though I have named a few, there are so many more. We create opportunities for our students to be successful, and they are!
I recently attended the Children’s University Australia graduation. While sitting on the stage, I had a bird’s eye view of the students from other schools in the audience. What stood out was not only the impeccable behaviour of our students but also how good they looked in their uniforms. This was not only because of its striking colour but also because of the consistent attire and shoes, as well as how neat they all looked.
We have placed a strong focus on wearing the uniform correctly. Our school was one of the most impressive looking schools of the eight schools in attendance.
I have been working with Lowes about the cost of our uniform. I appreciate the initial cost for some items can be costly, but looking at the cost with big picture thinking, the price is quite reasonable. This is due to:
- The quality of the fabric, especially the polos, is such that they have a much longer life than cheaper uniform options. They look, wash, and wear better for longer, when compared with cheaper alternatives that do not have a comparative life / wear cycle, and hence more purchases would need to be made.
- The downsizing of the range of uniform items required, ie only 1 type of pants and shorts are now required as opposed to separate school and PE pants / shorts.
- The move to a trans-seasonal uniform, where a separate summer and winter uniform are no longer required.
Changing our uniform to a cheaper fabric is false economy. Though you would be paying less per item, you would need to purchase it more often. For due diligence, we have sought a quote from another supplier, and the cost is basically the same, other than when Lowes have 20% off campaigns.
Please feel welcome to contact me if you have any questions about uniform.
Final thoughts
Staff are busy working to ensure a successful end to Term 4, completion of reports, and organisation of end of year celebrations.
A friendly reminder the last day of term is Thursday 12 December 2024, with a 1.30pm dismissal.
Lee Abela

2025 teaching update
As principal, my role is to ensure that we have the best teaching staff possible, build the capacity of staff, preparing them for their next adventure. Though this can be a sad time to say goodbye to staff, it is also an exciting time welcoming new staff.
This year we will farewell:
- Leigh Turbill,
- Courtney Elliott,
- Tamara Brooker, and
- Michael Mastrangelo.
Sarah Willetts is accessing parental leave and long service leave. Lia Cummings will be on parental leave in Term 1. We will welcome a number of new staff to our community. Though it might seem like a lot, it is important to remember that we are moving from 10 classes to 12 classes in 2025. Some teachers are also now in a different year level.
The 2025 staffing process is not quite complete, but we are nearly there.
- Reception
Diem Savy and Bianca Holler - Year 1
Tara May and Amy Mackay - Year 2
James Cummings 0.8 / Rachael Stathis 0.2 (Term 1 only), and Kim Whyte 0.4 / To be confirmed 0.6 - Year 3/4
Natalie Urdanoff, Olivia Mammone, and Sarah May - Year 5/6
Tom Atyeo, Sue Hackett / Druscilla Fabretto, and Billy Creeper - Spanish
Rebecca Belperio - Music
Andrew Heuzenroeder - Art
Suzanne Healey - PE
Matthew Annetta - Science
Elle Fairweather
I will be distributing a Seesaw message with a photo and some information about each new staff member soon.

Last week was simply amazing! Each day we had a celebration moment, including:
- A cake cutting ceremony
- Past principal, staff, and student visits, all sharing stories and memories
- Special canteen day (thanks to the P & F)
- House team rotation activities
- The installation of a circus style tent on the oval honouring our beginnings, including an outdoor mass
- School tours, performances and presentations
- Face painting and food trucks
The feedback has been sensational. I would like to thank everyone that made the day possible and for those that were able to attend through the week.

75 Year Anniversary mass
Last week, as part of our 75 Year Anniversary celebrations, we gathered for a special whole school mass under the tent on the school oval to honour the beginning of our school’s journey. Our student leadership groups, including the SRC, House Captains, School Captains and Music Captains, played important roles in the celebration. We were also privileged to have Fr Richard Morris, a former student of the school, join us as the celebrant.
A heartfelt thank you to our parish priests, Fr Jacek, Fr Roman and Fr Richard, as well as our student leaders, for their support in making the day a success. The mass provided a beautiful moment of reflection and gratitude, honouring the past, present and future of our school. Students, staff and families came together in prayer, giving thanks for the many blessings and the unwavering faith that has shaped our school’s journey. As we celebrate this milestone, we are reminded of the enduring legacy of peace, love and unity that has defined our school for generations. We look forward to 75 more years of growth and grace.
End of year mass
Our end of year mass will be celebrated on 2 December 2024 at 9:15am, and we warmly invite all members of our school community to join us. This special mass will be led by our graduating cohort and will include the symbolic handover of the School Captains for the coming year. It will also mark the beginning of Advent, a time of hope, preparation, and reflection. This mass provides an opportunity for us to come together to give thanks for the year that has passed and to look forward with anticipation to the Advent season. We encourage everyone to attend and celebrate this meaningful occasion with us.
2025 sacramental program
As we look ahead to 2025, we are excited to begin planning for our sacramental program, which will offer students the opportunity to deepen their faith and take important steps in their spiritual journey. The program typically includes preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. If you would like your child to be a part of this meaningful experience, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly. I am happy to provide more information and discuss any questions you may have regarding the program and how we can best support your child’s faith development.
Marissa Redden
Assistant Principal
Religious Identity & Mission

Inaugural Chess Club meeting a success!
We are thrilled to share that Our Lady Queen of Peace School recently held its first Chess Club meeting last week, and it was a resounding success! The session, held in the OSHC room, saw a wonderful turnout with many students eager to participate and engage in this classic game of strategy.
Whether seasoned players or beginners, students enjoyed learning, challenging each other, and sharpening their strategic thinking in a supportive environment. Chess is not only a game that enhances concentration and problem solving skills but also fosters patience and sportsmanship.
Details for the next meeting:
- When: Wednesday at lunch
- Where: OSHC room
- Who: Open to all students interested in learning and playing chess
A special acknowledgement to Mina in 3/4OM for her fantastic suggestion to start the Chess Club. Thanks to Mina's initiative, we now have a space where students can come together to learn, play, and develop their strategic thinking in a fun and supportive environment. We will continue building on the excitement, welcoming new players, and enjoying friendly matches at the next session. We cannot wait to see more chess enthusiasts at the board!
Playberry Tier 3 approach Supporting every learner’s literacy journey
At Our Lady Queen of Peace School, we are dedicated to ensuring students receive support to succeed academically. To achieve this, we have implemented the Playberry (Playford & Hansberry) Tier 3 Multisensory Literacy Program, an intensive intervention designed for individual students facing severe reading and spelling challenges.
What is Playberry T3?
The Playberry T3 program is a targeted, evidence-based intervention specifically created for students who require significant support beyond the small group strategies. Playberry T3 is particularly effective because it employs a multisensory learning approach, engaging students through a combination of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic activities. This method helps reinforce learning and enables students to better retain and apply their reading and spelling skills. The program is delivered by trained, specialist intervention teachers, who have completed the Teaching Students with Dyslexia (TSD) levels 1-3 courses, ensuring expert support tailored to each learner’s needs. Both Marissa Redden and I are fortunate to have completed the training.
The Playberry T3 Multisensory Literacy Program is a component of our commitment to inclusive education. By addressing the individual student’s challenges with targeted, expert led interventions, we are ensuring that every student has the opportunity to achieve.
If you would like to learn more about the Playberry Tier 3 Multisensory Literacy Program and how it can benefit students, please feel free to contact me via Seesaw or email. I am happy to provide additional information or answer any questions you may have.
Adriana Pilla
Assistant Principal
Learning, Engagement and Teaching

Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival
On Tuesday November 5 November 2024, our school participated in the highly anticipated Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival at the SA Athletics Stadium, Mile End. Competing in Section 6 against a strong field of other metropolitan schools, our students showed incredible determination and sportsmanship throughout the day.
We sent 32 students from Years 3 to 6, who enthusiastically participated in a variety of track and field events, including sprints, long jump, shot put, and relays. The competition was fierce, but our students rose to the occasion, with many achieving excellent results in their events.
A special congratulations to the Year 4 Boys and Year 5 Girls, who showcased exceptional skill to win their age groups! Their achievement was a standout moment of the day. Overall, the girls finished third, and the boys placed third in their respective competitions.
Congratulations to Maya D (Year 5) and Henry S (Year 4) for their outstanding achievements as individual age champions! A special shoutout to Henry, who set an incredible example by breaking three records on the day in the 200m, long jump, and 400m events.
We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the parent volunteers who generously gave their time to help on the day: Amy E, Tori B, Shane D and Jacinta and Michael L. Their support in officiating, marshalling, and supervising our students ensured the day ran smoothly, and we are deeply grateful for their involvement.
Sports Assembly Thursday 28 November
We would like to remind all families about the upcoming Sports Assembly, which will be held on Thursday 28 November at 2:15pm in Bilyonendi Hall. This special event is an opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge the hard work, commitment, and sportsmanship of our students who represented the school with pride and determination in our after school sports program.
It is also a time to show our appreciation for the incredible support of our parent volunteer coaches, who generously gave their time and expertise to guide and mentor our teams.
All are welcome to attend, and we look forward to celebrating our students achievements and the strong sense of community that makes our sports program so special.
Matthew Annetta
PE teacher / Sports Coordinator

During this term, we have been learning about community helpers in Geography and in Health. We have been focused on safety, including fire safety, sun safety and water safety. To enrich our learning, we went on an excursion to the Woodville Fire Station.
Whilst at the Woodville Fire Station, we participated in a tour of the fire station.
Did you know that at the Woodville Fire Station they have a kitchen area, dining area, lounge room, and a games room? They also have a special area where they receive the reports about what jobs they need to go and do. We even got to hear the alarm that goes off when a new job comes through to them.
We also learnt that if our clothes catch on fire we should stop, cover our face, drop to the floor and roll. If our house is on fire, we need to crawl to the closest exit door. We crawl so we stay below the smoke. We need to get out of the house as fast as we can and then call 000.
We had a look at the uniform that the firefighters wear, and even Mrs.Stathis got to try it on. The highlight of our visit was climbing into the fire truck and also having a go of squirting the big hose to hit the pretend fire.
Sincere thanks to the amazing team of fire fighters at Woodville Fire Station, who were so welcoming and willing to share with us information about their job and how to keep safe.
Rachael Stathis
Reception teacher

Our young mathematicians in 2CE dove deep into the world of measurement last week, focusing on mass through engaging hands on activities. Under the guidance of preservice teacher Lilly Cavanagh, students transformed everyday materials into tools for measuring.
The highlight of the week was our creative investigation, where students constructed their own balance scales using coat hangers and cups. This practical activity helped students understand the fundamental concepts of mass and balance while developing their problem solving skills.
Taking their investigation further, the class embarked on an exciting boat building challenge. Students designed and created their own boats, then conducted experiments to determine the maximum weight their boats could hold before sinking. This real world application of measurement was both engaging and collaborative, and allowed for students to develop many real world and mathematical skills.
Courtney Elliott
Year 2 teacher

In 34MM's English lessons, students have been learning the essentials of writing a clear, effective procedure. They explored how a strong procedure includes a title, a goal, a list of equipment, and a step by step method using precise verbs and adverbs, organised in chronological order.
To put this into practice, students created their own Snakes and Ladders board games, complete with a detailed procedure instructing others on how to play. They were thrilled to invite their Reception buddies to join in on the fun; they read them their procedural texts, instructing them how to play, before diving into the game together. For the remainder of the term, students will be reading and viewing a variety of procedures, including recipes and tutorials to engage further with this topic.
Michael Mastrangelo
Year 3/4 teacher

Students have been studying the art of photography. In this unit students learnt various techniques and styles of photos which included:
leading lines, frame within a frame, macro (close up), rule of thirds and photos form different points of view. As a class we were able to link their photography skills to other areas of the curriculum including English, Science and Mathematics. The students did an awesome job and showed excellent creativity in taking their photos. Below are some examples of the students work; can you identify the types of photos taken?
Leigh Turbill
Year 5/6 teacher

Static electricity
As part of our Science unit: Physical Science, we have been exploring the physical force known as static electricity. We learnt about the science behind this phenomenon and then had some fun generating our own static with some cool experiments.
We made cans roll with static from balloons, separated salt and pepper, made our hair stand up and picked up paper using static.
Did you know:
Charge can accumulate on an object – either through a buildup of electrons (object will be negatively charged) or through removal of electrons (object is positively charged). This charge from either a bunch of electrons gathered on an object or the opposite, a bunch of electrons removed from an object, is called static electricity.
You build up negative charges on your body when you drag your feet on the rug, then touch a neutral object and zap sudden discharge.
Another good example of static electricity is lightning. In this case there is a HUGE buildup of excess charge, which very suddenly discharges into the neutral ground. This is an example of how a large buildup of static charge can be very dangerous - you don't want it discharging through your body!
Even water can bend from the power of static energy!
Sue Hackett
Year 5/6 teacher

Over the past six weeks, our school has been fortunate to host Pania in RDS and Lilly in 2CE, two dedicated and enthusiastic pre service teachers completing their final practicum experience. Throughout this period, they have brought fresh ideas, new energy, and a passion for education that have resonated with both students and staff alike. To help the community get to know them better, we asked them a few questions:
What inspired you to pursue a career in teaching? Pania shared that her love for helping others learn and the joy she feels when a student grasps a new concept inspired her journey. For Lilly, it was her experience in primary school having had some fantastic teachers; they inspired her to become a primary teacher. Lilly and Pania hope that they might inspire students in a similar way!
What subject or age group are you most passionate about teaching? Pania enjoys teaching all primary age students, where she feels she can encourage curiosity and critical thinking. Lilly has really enjoyed teaching Science and Mathematics. There has been many opportunities for fun hands on activities during learning.
What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of the classroom? When not teaching, Pania loves swimming and exploring nature, while Lilly has two young children, so finding the best playground is high on the list! Lilly also enjoys walking, spending time at the beach and reading.
What is one thing you enjoyed learning or experiencing during your time at OLQP? Both Pania and Lily have loved being part of the 75-year anniversary celebrations, staff meetings, attending the Year 2 excursion to the Adelaide Botanic Garden and just being a part of the school community during Term 4. Everyone has been so welcoming!
What is something you would like the school community to know about you? Lilly grew up in country Victoria and moved to Adelaide after graduating high school for more opportunities and to start university. Both Pania and Lilly want to leave a positive mark and learn as much as they can to prepare for their future roles as educators.
Their time at our school has been filled with moments of learning, laughter and growth. We have valued their innovative approaches, adaptability, and the warmth they brought into our classrooms.
As they prepare to move forward in their teaching careers, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Pania and Lilly for their hard work, creativity and positive spirit. We wish them every success in their future endeavours!

Our final student free day for 2024 will occur on Friday 13 December.
Please contact Jo Fahey - 0417 840 700 - as soon as possible if you require OSHC services on this day.

Come and join the fun!
- Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9am-12noon for children 3-5 years.
- Playgroup is on Wednesdays 9am-10.30am for children 0-5 years.
For more information, please access the flyers regarding Playgroup and Occasional Care from the Useful Links section at the beginning of this newsletter.
More questions?
Contact - Andi Benzija
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Andi.Benzija@olqp.catholic.edu.au

The Parents and Friends Committee is a success because of its volunteers. If you would like to join us, please email PNF@olqp.catholic.edu.au.
Corin Mitchell
Parents and Friends Committee Chairperson

New opening times:
- 8.40am – 9am
- 2.45pm – 3.10pm
The second hand uniform shop service, facilitated by a dedicated group of parents, supports the community to access quality and affordable second-hand uniforms for their children.
Donations of quality second hand uniform items needed!
Donations needed. The P & F helps maintain a quality uniform shop for the school community. If you have any quality items at home that no longer fit, please consider donating to our shop through the front office.
Proceeds raised from the sale of these donations go towards student-centred projects and activities at our school.
Located in the P & F Room (near the girls' toilets, adjacent the basketball courts).
Call 8279 8800 if you require more information, or alternatively, you can email the P & F Committee using this email: PNF@olqp.catholic.edu.au.
P & F Committee

New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director

Del Sante Gardens Calisthenics College in Flinders Park is on the lookout for passionate members to elevate our Junior Division 1 Team.
Looking for something new? Everyone is welcome at DSG - no prior dance or calisthenics experience required! Plus we are offering 2 FREE lessons to kickstart your journey with us.
Message us today on 0419 268 322 or email: delsantesecretary@gmail.com to get started.
Join now to learn new skills, meet new friends and grow with us.