Term 4 Week 4 Newsletter

Term 4 Week 4 Newsletter
What an exciting time it is to be part of Our Lady Queen of Peace School! Our community is ready for change and improvement, and this year actual implementation is well underway! We have seen improvement in behaviour, learning and school facilities. The reason for this is simple – we are focusing on what is best for every child and ensuring we are giving them the opportunity to be amazing and school proud!
The upgrades over the holiday break are part of the first wave of physical change that will be occurring at the school. As a community, we have consulted on the Nature Play area. The design was costed by Climbing Tree and, moving forward, has been approved at School Board level. In addition to this approval, I have submitted paperwork to gain two additional CESA approvals. I recently received notice we were successful with our first approval. Another CESA committee will meet on 22 November 2022 where we are likely to receive our second and final approval. This means building will start EARLY in 2023!!
Another project we are working on is the upgrading of the school’s courts. Diana Frangos (OLQP Finance Officer) and I have been meeting with different court surfacing specialists. We also invited a number of students to be part of the discussions regarding possible changes ahead. While moving forward with this project, we need to be mindful the school is still accessible for future developments. By doing this we ensure we are providing the best for our students as the community moves forward with significant change.
I love that our children are still “on a buzz” about the school upgrades that occurred over the holidays. Marissa Redden, APRIM, has been working with the SRC about music selections for the new bell/PA system. I also received a mixed response from children regarding whether I should be singing over the system or not!
It's been great to see teachers using the new Discovery Centre and children enjoying the learning that is occurring in there. The Discovery Centre has also become an alternative space for classes and visitors to gather. Recently 17 Catholic principals and leaders from our region came together for a meeting in our Discovery Centre. It was great to hear their positive feedback regarding this space. The Discovery Centre also hosted a Children’s University guest and meeting, as well as the Reception classes’ animal incursion. Next week, the school will be hosting another Catholic Education gathering. It has been my great pleasure in showcasing this new space, as well as our students that assist at these events, to our guests.
Last term I was approached by a small group of girls from the Year 3/4 class regarding the establishment of a lunchtime Science Club. I loved the idea but we did not have an appropriate space to host it. This week the Science Club met for the first time – the Discovery Centre was a fabulous venue! The participating students had a great time, and we were so pleased by the many children wanting to join in. I will work with these girls on a plan on how to cater for all students during Science Club.
As we continue to prepare for 2023, class allocation discussions are about to commence. If you have any requests you would like considered during these staff discussions, can you please email me – lee.abela@olqp.catholic.edu.au.
My thinking is always centred around what is best for students. A review of the current layout of classrooms is occurring. When considering how best to cater for our student cohort, it is important to look with fresh, open eyes, especially regarding where classes/year levels are located in and around the school. I look forward to sharing the outcome of this process with the OLQP community. Regardless of the outcome, rest assured that what is best for OLQP children is our priority and will always guide our thinking.
What an exciting time to be a part of OLQP! A Year 6 parent recently told me:
“We have been talking about these improvements for several years. It is great they are finally happening!”.
Make sure you and your children are part of this change!
Lee Abela
Sacramental Program
Over the last four weeks I have been working with a group of students who have begun the Sacramental Program this term and will participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesday.
- Sophie Pritchard,
- Indiah Sellers,
- Poppy McKenna,
- Mateo Sibal,
- Ignacio Abreu Carrillo and
- Charlie Willoughby
I look forward to supporting you all on your sacramental journey.
Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them, "Peace be to you!", and when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples therefore rejoiced at the sight of the Lord.
He therefore said to them again, 'Peace be to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.' When he had said this, he breathed upon them, and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit; whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.'
St. John (20:19-23)
Remembrance Day
As a whole school we commemorated Remembrance Day; each class contributed to making Remembrance Day poppies which were placed on the lawn as an area for us to gather around for our minute silence.
Thank you to our school captains who led our commemoration service.
More images from our Remembrance Day commemoration can be found on our Facebook page - Click here to access.
Remembrance prayer for children
We remember those who stood for love and truth, And thank you for the sacrifice they made for me and you.
Thank you that we can now enjoy peace and learn to love not fight, Thank you that we can now sing and play, and not be scared or hide.
We pray for other countries where children live in fear, And there is war and fighting and many are in tears.
Please help to make things better, and bring some peace to them.
Protect all those who try and help to make friends again.
Marissa Redden
Term 4 in PE is off to a great start! I have had the chance to get reacquainted with my former students, as well as meet and and work with all the new students.
Preparation for Sports Day (Wednesday Week 5) is well underway. The students are mastering the skills between Tabloid and Athletics events. It is such a joy to see their progress each week as they conquer challenges and hone their skills.
In addtion to Sports Day preparation, the Year 3-6 students are also preparing and testing for events in the SACPSSA Athletics Carnival, which will be held late November.
Mrs Dayna Martin
PE Teacher
A shout out for large boxes please!
For an activity during December 2022 Vacation Care, we would like to collect cardboard boxes large enough for a child to sit in.
If you can help, please drop off your donations to OSHC.
We require Christmas decorations!
OSHC also welcomes the donation of any unwanted Christmas decorations, in particular tinsel. No glass ornaments please.
If you can help, please drop off your donations to OSHC.
Thanks, in anticipation.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director
Playgroup in the Playground - Wednesday 23 November 2022
Held at Gordon Reserve Playground, Gordon St, Albert Park, "Playgroup in the Playground" is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy OLQP Playgroup in an outdoor setting!
More details, including a schedule of activities can be found in the downloadable document via the following link:
Messy Play Week
Children at Occasional Care and Playgroup this week had the fantastic opportunity to participate in “Messy Play Day.” We had a lot of different sensory experiences set up for the children to explore and play with.
For more information, and a gallery of messy play fun images, click on the downloadable "Messy Play" newsletter link below:
Rachael Stathis
Occasional Care & Playgroup Coordinator
During Term 4, 2022, Playgroup is scheduled on Wednesdays from 9am to 10.30am.
Come along for play-based learning and fun, and make new friends!
An UPDATED TERM 4 OUTLINE & PROGRAM are available at the following links:
More information, including times, scheduled activities AND contact details can be found in the downloadable flyer via the following link:
Occasional Care
OLQP Occasional Care is an accredited program for 3-5 years olds, and is delivered by qualified educators.
Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9am to 12noon during school terms.
Cost is $10 per session.
Further information and details can be found via the link to the UPDATED downloadable flyer:
More questions?
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Rachael - rstathis@olqp.catholic.edu.au
Rachael Stathis
Occasional Care & Playgroup Coordinator

So here we are, Week 4 of Term 4, 2022, and we have had our last Book Club for the year.
Thank you very much to all those families who have purchased books and resources this year!
In doing so OLQP was able to gain points to purchase many bonus new and exciting books!
Jeanette Barge
ESO Library
Sibling enrolments
Do you have a toddler or child at kindergarten? Have you enrolled them at OLQP yet?
While priority is given to siblings of children already attending OLQP, we still require a completed “Application for Enrolment” for each and every child.
All families wishing to enrol their children in Reception for 2023-2025 must lodge a completed “Application for Enrolment” as soon as possible.
Please note: If your child was born between 1 May and 31 October, they are eligible for our Semester 2 intake. Application for Enrolment forms are available from the school office or via the downloadable link below:
Download an Application for Enrolment form here.
Contact Maureen on 8279 8800 for more information.
Maureen Wilkinson
Enrolment Officer
Online bookings
A reminder to families that the new booking app is up and running, please speak to Jo if you are having difficulties accessing it.
Please continue to call or text if you are unable to secure your required spot as spaces are blocked to allow for the correct staff : child ratio, spots may be available on request.
To be able access the website app, families must have an email address that is recorded on their Spike account. Families use their email address and PIN code to sign in. Families will be able to see their children's current and upcoming bookings, invoices and current balance owing.
The parent's child care app, Spike Childcare, can be saved to your mobile phone's homepage. Follow this link: Spike Childcare Booking App
New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings still need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director

The OLQP Second-hand Uniform Shop service, facilitated by a dedicated group of parents, supports the community access quality and affordable second-hand uniforms for their children.
Please note CURRENT opening times:
MONDAYS - P & F Room (adjacent the Canteen)
- 8.40am – 9am
- 2.45pm – 3.10pm
Do you have any OLQP uniform items that are washed and in good condition, that your child no longer wears?
If so, please consider passing them onto the Second-hand Uniform Shop.
The staff in the front office are happy to accept and pass on your donation (or consignment items) to the Second-hand Uniform Shop volunteers.
Call 8279 8800 if you require more information.
Louisa Scopacasa
Second-hand Uniform Shop Coordinator
P & F Committee

he school canteen is open EVERY Friday.
Orders can be placed via the QKR! App by 8am Friday mornings.
Alternatively, you can place your order in a brown paper bag with money enclosed and place it in the box provided in your child’s classroom.
The updated canteen menu can be accessed and downloaded via the link below.
Download the canteen menu here
Wendy Koegler
Canteen Manager