Term 4 Week 2 Newsletter
- From the Principal
- 2023 OLQP Staffing News
- From the APRIM
- Year 5/6 H Class Update
- Little Peacemakers Transition Program 2022
- OSHC needs your HELP!!
- Early Learning @ OLQP!
- OLQP Enrolments 2023-2025
- Before & After School Care
- Second-hand uniform shop
- Canteen News
- Woodville Little Learners
- Holiday Swim Program Summer 22/23
- Tae Kwon Do

Term 4 Week 2 Newsletter
It was with great excitement, pride and joy we welcomed students back to school for the new term. I witnessed students impressed with the painting of the school, students peeking through the windows to see the new layout of the library and Discovery Centre, and curious to know about the new bell/PA system.
I know, from the feedback I have received, that families are excited that we are looking at and delivering school improvement and upgrades. For families new to the school, this might seem normal or to be expected but for other families, school improvement and upgrades have been part of an ongoing conversation with little action. In my mind, we are only just beginning. I have been here long enough to understand the landscape, leading school improvement and working alongside the School Board and consultants to ensure we are meeting the needs of this amazing community.
This week we held our first Reception to Year 6 Learning Expo. Students proudly shared their work with their families. The work shared was not “special” work completed just for the Expo; their normal daily work and learning was showcased. In the words of Catherine McAuley, "Do ordinary things extraordinarily well".
Well done to the P&F, staff and students for a fantastic school disco. It was great to see this event run so smoothly and students so engaged. The teacher performance appeared to be a hit! Thank you to everyone involved in making the disco a successful event.
I was pleased to see so many families attend the Expo. I had many conversations with families regarding how this was a great opportunity to see their child’s learning. In addition to the purpose of the Expo, it was simply lovely coming together as a community again.
As planning for 2023 continues, the 2023 teaching staff list was finalised over the holiday break. This process included increasing the number of specialist areas we offer. In 2023 we will have specialist areas in:
- Music,
- Spanish,
- PE,
- Science/STEM and
- Art.
It is important that students have access to the best teaching and learning, and the inclusion of additional specialist subjects supports this thinking.
Though we have some movement and change in our staffing for 2023, I am really excited about the new teaching team and how we can provide the very best for our students. Some current staff will not be returning next year – I sincerely thank them for their contributions to Our Lady Queen of Peace School and the children in their care. We will farewell them later this year.
We have a busy term ahead; last week I distributed a term calendar to families via SeeSaw. It was up-to-date at the time of distribution. There might be a few changes/additions over the term; if this is the case, we will keep you informed.
As the planning for 2023 comes together, my excitement around the new school year ahead is skyrocketing! I am also meeting with Climbing Tree and GGA (architects) early next week – I can’t wait!
Have a great weekend!
Lee Abela
As you are aware, I have been working on the 2023 plan. Though I am still teasing out the structure of having 3 Year 1/2 classes or 2 Year 1 classes and 1 Year 2 class, I have appointed the teaching staff for 2023 including specialist teachers.
Next year two additional specialist areas, Art and Science/STEM, will be added to compliment PE, Music and Spanish. Having additional specialist areas provides children expert specialist teaching in more subject areas, and allows classroom teachers to focus more on literacy and numeracy. I am very excited about the staffing team for 2023, especially the experience, skill set and energy that this team will bring.
- Reception - James Cummings
- Reception - Katerina Skoumbros
- Year 1/2 - Sarah Willetts, 3 days/Adriana Pilla, 2 days
- Year 1/2 - Tara May
- Year 1/2 - Natalie Urdanoff
- Year 3/4 - Lia Cummings
- Year 3/4 - Olivia Mammone
- Year 5/6 - Leigh Turbill
- Year 5/6 - Sue Hackett
- Spanish - Patricia Rosales 0.2
- Music/Drama - Andrew Heuzenroeder 0.4
- PE - Matthew Annetta 0.4
- Art - Suzanne Healey 0.4
- Science/STEM - Tamara Booker 0.6
- APRIM - Marissa Redden (4 days a week)
I have recently been in contact with Mrs Andrea Bishop. Unfortunately she has decided to resign from her position at OLQP, as well as her acting position at St Raphael’s, Parkside. We wish Andrea good health and the very best for the future. Miss Marissa Redden will continue at our school during 2023 as the Acting Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission (APRIM). Part way next year, we will advertise for a substantive APRIM.
I am currently reviewing the Educational Support Officer (ESO) needs at OLQP. I will be starting this process in the coming weeks. As part of this process, I will also be advertising for a School Chaplain.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel welcome to contact me on 8279 8800.
Lee Abela
Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons Inc
Christmas Hamper Drive
The Adelaide Day Centre was founded by Sister Janet Mead, a Sister of Mercy, whose order continues to work in her honour helping the most vulnerable in our society.
The Sisters of Mercy are currently organising their Christmas Hamper Drive. This Christmas they will be delivering more than 2500 Christmas hampers to needy people all over Adelaide.
The Centre has provided the following guide for the items that they need most. It would be greatly appreciated if you and your family could support the Centre by donating any of the following items:
Toys they’d love to receive:
- Coloured textas, pencils, pens + crayons
- Stationery, writing, painting + school materials
- Beading, embroidery, and other creative sets
- Lego, puzzles + board games
- Books + novels
- Sporting equipment: footballs, soccer balls, kites, cricket sets, handballs, skipping ropes ...
- Throw and catch sets
Food items could include:
- Tinned meats + fruits
- Christmas puddings + cakes
- Pasta + rice
- Biscuits, jams + honey
- Nuts + dried fruit
- Long life milk
- Tinned vegetables
- Shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap (no conditioners or body wash)
Toys they’d prefer NOT to receive:
- Dolls, Barbies, makeup, jewellery, and other beauty products.
- Candles
- Guns, police, or army themed toys
Click on this link to download the donation list!
Any donation, small or large, will be greatly appreciated by the Centre. Donations can be sent to the OLQP front office throughout the remainder of Term 4, and we will organise delivery to the Centre.
Made in the Image of God Curriculum - MITIOG
The Made In The Image Of God (MITIOG) Human Sexuality curriculum is mandated for South Australian Catholic Schools, for Years R-12.
Each year our students engage with age-appropriate curriculum content regarding sexuality through this (MITIOG) curriculum.
Catholic understanding is that all humans are Made in the Image of God and therefore deserving of the utmost dignity and honour. Sexuality is a fundamental dimension of the human person; it is part of the physical, moral, psychological and spiritual realities of life.
We acknowledge that the beliefs, values and insights of the Christian tradition and Catholic moral teaching enrich our lives.
This year the Human Sexuality Curriculum will be taught during Term 4, Weeks 4 and 5. All families have received a letter via SeeSaw.
Whilst this curriculum has been mandated to be taught in Catholic Schools in South Australia, should you wish for your child to be excluded from classes and be given other work, indication of this was due on Monday 24 October 2022
Marissa Redden
As part of our Media Arts experience, the Year 5/6 students were tasked to take a range of photographs demonstrating a variety of techniques.
We used the school grounds and an excursion to Belair National Park for our inspiration.
These photos were printed and displayed at the Learning Expo. The students are very proud of their efforts and keen to show off their work.
Sue Hackett
Year 5/6 teacher

About the program
Our Little Peacemakers - Reception Transition Program is a carefully considered series of visits, every Friday of Term 4, that aim to ensure all children feel welcomed, comfortable, and excited about their next steps into Reception.
We know that children who have a positive start to school are more likely to feel comfortable, relaxed, and ready to learn. They feel good about themselves as learners and develop a sense of belonging to the school community.
Children will experience school life integrated with a play-based curriculum. We aim to develop social connections and school readiness. This opportunity will immerse children in the Our Lady Queen of Peace School life and connect strongly with our school community.
We would like to formally welcome the following children and their families to our school.
- Evelyn Argent
- Italia Azzollini
- Bowie Bayly
- Tanusha Bhagria
- Christian Cazzetta
- Myra Kanagasundaram
- Alessia Peronace
- Clara Plawecki
- Skylar Reyes
- Travis Salfischberger
- Aston-Jack Sclanders
- Nicholas Vozzo
Adriana Pilla and Rachael Stathis
Transition Coordinators
A shout out for large boxes please!
For an activity during December 2022 Vacation Care, we would like to collect cardboard boxes large enough for a child to sit in.
If you can help, please drop off your donations to OSHC.
Thanks, in anticipation.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director
During Term 4, 2022, Playgroup is scheduled on Wednesdays from 9am to 10.30am.
Come along for play-based learning and fun, and make new friends!
An UPDATED TERM 4 OUTLINE & PROGRAM are available at the following links:
More information, including times, scheduled activities AND contact details can be found in the downloadable flyer via the following link:
Occasional Care
OLQP Occasional Care is an accredited program for 3-5 years olds, and is delivered by qualified educators.
OLQP Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9am to 12noon during school terms.
Cost is $10 per session.
Further important information and details can be found via the link to the UPDATED downloadable flyer:
More questions?
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Rachael - rstathis@olqp.catholic.edu.au
Rachael Stathis
Occasional Care & Playgroup Coordinator
Sibling enrolments
Do you have a toddler or child at kindergarten? Have you enrolled them at OLQP yet?
While priority is given to siblings of children already attending OLQP, we still require a completed “Application for Enrolment” for each and every child.
All families wishing to enrol their children in Reception for 2023-2025 must lodge a completed “Application for Enrolment” as soon as possible.
Please note: If your child was born between 1 May and 31 October, they are eligible for our Semester 2 intake. Application for Enrolment forms are available from the school office or via the downloadable link below:
Download an Application for Enrolment form here.
Contact Maureen on 8279 8800 for more information.
Maureen Wilkinson
Enrolment Officer
Online bookings
A reminder to families that the new booking app is up and running, please speak to Jo if you are having difficulties accessing it.
Please continue to call or text if you are unable to secure your required spot as spaces are blocked to allow for the correct staff : child ratio, spots may be available on request.
To be able access the website app, families must have an email address that is recorded on their Spike account. Families use their email address and PIN code to sign in. Families will be able to see their children's current and upcoming bookings, invoices and current balance owing.
The parent's child care app, Spike Childcare, can be saved to your mobile phone's homepage. Follow this link: Spike Childcare Booking App
New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings still need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director

The OLQP Second-hand Uniform Shop service, facilitated by a dedicated group of parents, supports the community access quality and affordable second-hand uniforms for their children.
Please note CURRENT opening times:
MONDAYS - P & F Room (adjacent the Canteen)
- 8.40am – 9am
- 2.45pm – 3.10pm
Do you have any OLQP uniform items that are washed and in good condition, that your child no longer wears?
If so, please consider passing them onto the Second-hand Uniform Shop.
The staff in the front office are happy to accept and pass on your donation (or consignment items) to the Second-hand Uniform Shop volunteers.
Call 8279 8800 if you require more information.
Louisa Scopacasa
Second-hand Uniform Shop Coordinator
P & F Committee

he school canteen is open EVERY Friday.
Orders can be placed via the QKR! App by 8am Friday mornings.
Alternatively, you can place your order in a brown paper bag with money enclosed and place it in the box provided in your child’s classroom.
The updated canteen menu can be accessed and downloaded via the link below.
Download the canteen menu here
Wendy Koegler
Canteen Manager
Book a tour today!
Woodville Little Learners is a brand new long day care centre and kindergarten, providing quality care for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years.
We focus on learning through play in a natural environment.
- Large outdoor play environments and regular excursions to inspire young minds
- Carefully planned and fun-filled projects based on children's unique interests and skills
- Nutritionally balanced meals created by our onsite chef
- Full service facility including nappies, bedding and more
- Onsite drop off and pram parking, if needed
- Daily communication with families via our parent portal
A: Level 1, 850 Port Road, Woodville, 5011
P: 08 8244 7717
E: info@woodvillelittlelearners.com.au
Click below for enlarged image.
With the December 2022/January 2023 Summer holidays fast approaching, so is the Royal Life Saving SA's Holiday Swim Program.
Enrolments are filling FAST in many locations.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us by:
Phone: 08 8210 4500 OR
Email: holidayswim@royallifesavingsa.com.au
More information can be found on our website: www.holidayswim.com.au
Administration Officer
Royal Life Saving SA
