Term 3 Week 9 2024 Newsletter
- Useful Links
- From the Principal
- From the Assistant Principal Religious Identity & Mission
- Staff Retreat Gallery
- Our Lady Queen of Peace Feast Day
- From the Assistant Principal Learning, Engagement & Teaching
- Soccer Season 2024
- Class update - 1TM
- 1TM Class Update Gallery
- Class update - 2NU
- 2NU Class Update Gallery
- Class update - 3/4MM
- 3/4MM Class Update Gallery
- Specialist update - Spanish
- Spanish Update Gallery
- Specialist update - Music
- Music Update Gallery
- Pyjama Day
- Student free day
- Early Learning @ OLQP!
- Parents and Friends Committee update
- Second hand uniform shop
- Before & After School Care
- Community News
- Cricket Blasters
- PlayStart Soccer
- Henley SLSC
- Grange SLSC
- VacSwim Enrolments NOW OPEN
- NRL Holiday Clinics

Term 3 Week 6 2024 Newsletter

Download any of the following documents by clicking on the link.
Playgroup & Occasional Care
Parents & Friends Committee
- Email: PNF@olpq.catholic.edu.au
Second hand Uniform Shop
- Please note that the Parents and Friends Committee are no longer accepting uniforms for sale on consignment.
Term calendars
- Term 1, 2024 calendar
- Term 2, 2024 calendar - Updated 05/24
- Term 3, 2024 calendar - Updated 08/24
- Term 4, 2024 calendar - Updated 08/24

I have often said that “Term 3 is the busiest of all the terms”. I believe it definitely feels that way at the moment because:
- after three terms “filled to the brim” with outstanding learning/teaching and events, we all feel exhausted;
- we are planning and preparing for the year to come, while still preparing, working in and finalising the events of the current year.;
- we are organising the staffing plan for the year ahead;
- we have commenced organising our end of year celebrations;
- students start transitioning to their next year level of learning.
Regardless of the term being busy or exhausting, no one can question how much we have planned, organised, prepared, and actioned, always providing the very best learning and care for our students.
75 Years
We will be celebrating our 75 Year Anniversary on Friday 15 November 2024. A program of activities will be released soon. In addition to this day, there will be an activity every day of that week.
We are working hard in the background to gather information about our school's history. This has not been an easy task but we have made significant inroads in this area. We are still seeking photographs and images of the school in the past.
If you know of someone or personally have photos / images of the school through the years 1949 to 2010, we would appreciate you sharing a copy of them with us, or allowing us to make a copy of them.
We are in the process of securing a large, circus-type tent, to be erected on the oval, to reflect and connect with the school’s beginnings.
Staffing for 2025 is almost complete, with one more piece of the puzzle to finalise. The structure for 2025 has been decided. We will continue to grow in class numbers to accommodate the school’s growth.
It is important to note that as we grow, managing the growth is imperative, and this is constantly in my thinking. This includes leadership structures, additional staff, class sizes, common practices through the school, to mention a few. I still stand by the facts that the quality of learning we are providing, the opportunities we provide our student cohort, and the behaviour across the school, are the best they have been since I started in 2022.
2025 structure
- Reception – 2 classes
- Year 1 – 2 classes
- Year 2 – 2 classes
- Year 3/4 – 3 classes
- Year 5/6 – 3 classes
This will take our school to 12 classes in 2025 and will result in the need to juggle the use of spaces around the school site. I am near placing the final pieces in that puzzle.
What we do …
In recent years, we have introduced common and consistent practices across the school. This has ensured that our students are learning, safe, engaged, and happy. Each term students participate in a “Pulse Check” survey, and the results affirm we are on the right track!
I want to particularly highlight the “Zones of Regulation”. We explicitly teach this across the school so that all our students understand the four zones that supports their self-awareness. In addition to this, we explicitly teach students strategies to regulate and stay in the “green zone” – the optimal zone for learning.
These skills are lifelong skills that our students are able to develop from a young age. I know of or have met adults who, sadly, have not learnt about or understand their self-awareness and hence struggle to regulate. It is important to appreciate that regulation strategies can look different for different people. In a school setting, it might include, but not limited to:
- Colouring in,
- Walking or running around,
- Shooting some hoops or kicking a ball,
- Having some quiet time,
- Talking with an adult.
At all times, students are supervised by an adult. It is important that proactive strategies are NOT confused with tricky behaviour or perceived as “students wandering around the school not learning”. Again, these strategies are put in place to support the current AND future development of our students.
Thank you for your ongoing support over the term. We are a school that truly lives the partnership between school and families.
Term 4 returns on Monday 14 October.
Lee Abela

First Holy Communion
Congratulations to all the students who celebrated their First Holy Communion in September. First Holy Communion is a time when our students are invited to share in the Eucharist. This is the part of the mass where the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus.
Staff Retreat
This year at our staff retreat we focused on our Mercy values and spent time reflecting on how we see others displaying these values. We also focused on the importance of Hospitality, which is the creation of a free space where a stranger can enter and become a friend. Hospitality is not set to change people, but where change can take place.
The Year 4s completed the ReLAT test in Week 8. Religious Education (RE) is a core Learning Area in all Catholic schools. It is a foundation for all learning and is integrated into the life of the school through prayer, liturgy and social justice programs.
The focus of ReLAT is on the core knowledge content of the Year 3/4 Crossways Religious Education curriculum. Students in Year 4 in 2024 have engaged in the new Religious Education curriculum for two years. As a basic knowledge test, ReLAT complements the continuous, fuller, and deeper assessment of learning that occurs in the RE classroom.
The assessment is not a measure of a student’s faith nor their participation in the broader life of the Catholic community. It is important to draw upon a variety of assessment strategies to develop a comprehensive picture of a student’s progress and understanding in Religious Education.
Mercy Day Mass
On Tuesday 24 September 2024, as part of our Mercy Day celebrations, there will be a whole school Mass in the Our Lady Queen of Peace Church at 10am, hosted by 34OM. All are welcome to attend.
Sacramental Program
The 2024-2025 Sacramental program will begin in Term 4 with Reconciliation. Please contact me if you would like more information or would like your child to be part of the program.
Marissa Redden
Assistant Principal
Religious Identity & Mission

The Feast Day of Our Lady Queen of Peace will be celebrated this Sunday 22 September 2024 at the Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Albert Park.
A mass at 10.30am will be followed by morning tea.
Our School Captains are attending, however all students and families are invited and welcome to attend the mass and morning tea, as we come together as one with the parish.
Marissa Redden

Building connections with our new Little Peacemakers
Over the last two weeks, Lee Abela, Kim Whyte and I had the privilege of visiting 30 children at their kindergarten, ELC, or childcare centre as part of their exciting journey toward joining our school community. These visits are an incredible opportunity to see the children in their current learning environments, getting to know their unique personalities, and sharing in their joy and curiosity.
We have visited…
- Adelaide Miethke Preschool
- Alberton Kindergarten
- Blackfriars Early Learning Centre
- Edge Early Learning, Royal Park
- Emali Early Learning Centre, Findon
- Faith Montessori, Royal Park
- Goodstart, Semaphore South
- Hendon Kindergarten
- La Fevre Kindergarten
- North Haven Kindergarten
- Seaton Children’s Centre
- St Margaret’s Kindergarten
- Treetops Early Learning Centre
- Woodville Day Nursery
As these young learners begin their transition as "Little Peacemakers" every Friday in Term 4, we aim to make this process smooth and welcoming. By forming strong relationships with the children and their families early on, we create a sense of trust and connection that will support each child's successful transition to school.
Our time together allows for valuable conversations with their educators, helping us understand how best to support their learning and wellbeing. It is a special time of building community, and we are excited to witness the growth and development of these Little Peacemakers as they become part of our OLQP family.
Adriana Pilla
Assistant Principal
Learning, Engagement and Teaching

A memorable finish at the end of season carnival
The 2024 soccer season has officially come to a close, and what a fantastic journey it has been for our Under 6-11 teams! The season culminated in an end of season carnival held on Saturday 14 September 2024, where players, families, and supporters gathered to celebrate a successful year of competition.
The carnival was a day filled with joy, laughter, and exciting matches, showcasing the talent and determination of our young players.
A special "Thank you" is extended to our dedicated coaches:
- Sarah Larizza
- Adam Bachmayer
- Robert Williams
- Jeremy Plawecki
- Ian Ralston
- Jaye Butterworth
- Michael Rogers
Their passion, commitment, and guidance have played a significant role in the development of our players this season. We are incredibly grateful for their time and effort.
We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the various team managers, ground stewards, and first aiders whose hard work behind the scenes ensured an enjoyable experience for everyone.
We look forward to seeing everyone again next season in 2025!
Matthew Annetta
PE teacher / Sports Coordinator

This term in our HASS lessons we focused on History, learning about how family structures, roles, and significant aspects of daily life have changed over time.
Students interviewed a special person in their life, asking questions about what life was like for them growing up. Students noticed lots of things that were similar to their own lives, and many that have changed, creating a poster to share their findings. Check out some of the great work from students in 1TM!
Tara May
Year 1 teacher

Mathematics – Fractions
This term, 2NU have been learning about fractions. We learnt that:
- fractions are equal parts of a whole;
- fractions that look different but represent the same amount are called equivalent fractions.
In groups, students used fraction tiles to discover and record equivalent fractions.
Year 2 HASS Excursion
On Wednesday the 4 September 2024, students in 2NU and 2CE visited the South Australian Aviation Museum and National Railway Museum as part of their learning in HASS. Over the term, we have learnt about the past and present, and how technology and travel have changed over time. Students enjoyed learning about planes and trains from the past and having the chance to explore these means of transport themselves.
Natalie Urdanoff
Year 2 teacher

Kicking goals for good with Socktober!
The Year 3/4 students have been busy planning for an exciting initiative called "Socktober", occurring in Week 1 next term. They recently listened to a special guest, Tony Johnston from Catholic Mission, who spoke to the cohort about ways our school community can raise awareness and funds to support less fortunate children in Mongolia.
To do this, the Year 3/4 students will host a fundraising Mission Day, where all students from Reception to Year 6 are invited to come to school dressed in their craziest hair styles and socks! To add to the fun, each class will have a "sock-ball" penalty shoot out against some of OLQP's greatest goalkeepers, where some staff are eager to save goals!
To take part in the shoot out and all the fun, we ask that everyone brings along a gold coin donation. All these donations will be going towards supporting the children in Mongolia, and every little bit helps!
As part of the project, the Year 3/4 students are making sock-balls for the penalty shoot out — a makeshift soccer ball made of recycled materials like old socks and t-shirts, similar to those used in third world countries. The activity helps students understand the reality of children who cannot afford high quality sporting equipment like those found in schools across Australia. Students are in the process of advertising this campaign and collecting materials, including:
- Old socks, t-shirts, or tea towels
- Plastic bags
- Bubble wrap, styrofoam, or packaging
- Twine or string
If families would like to donate any of the above mentioned old/reusable items, we would gladly accept them!
More information about this exciting initiative will be circulated to the community soon.
Michael Mastrangelo
Year 3/4 teacher

La Tomatina
The world’s biggest food fight, La Tomatina, is celebrated in Spain, in a town called Buñol on the last Wednesday of August where thousands of people throw tomatoes at each other in the streets. This year at Our Lady Queen of Peace School we held our very own La Tomatina on Wednesday 28 August.
An important focus of the day was to encourage students to not only learn and practise the Spanish language, but to also ignite a love of the highly diverse and rich cultures of Spain and Latin America. Activities included:
- a cooking experience where students made a traditional tapa called ‘pan con tomate’,
- our own version of the food fight, where students were invited to throw water balloons at photos of the teachers’ heads
- our own interpretation of the Giants and Bigheads parade during an assembly, taking us back to the fiesta's roots!
It is thought that this fiesta came about during a procession of the Giants and Bigheads in 1945, when one of the big heads fell and hit a bystander. The bystander grabbed hold of the nearest thing in their reach, which happened to be a tomato from a market stall, and threw it at the Bighead.
Vocabulary and Grammar
Throughout Term 3, each of my classes have also been learning specific vocabulary and grammar / sentence structure in Spanish.
- Reception – colour vocabulary
- Years 1/2 - body part vocabulary and revision of colours to begin introducing noun-adjective word order and agreement
- Year 5/6 – interrogatives (question words ie: what, where, who, etc)
We are looking forward to further developing and extending on our Spanish learning in Term 4.
Rebecca Belperio
Spanish teacher

Festival Choir
Over the past three terms, the Festival Choir has worked towards performing on stage at the Catholic Schools Music Festival on Wednesday 25 September 2024. Consisting of 17 students from Years 5 and 6, our students have worked hard learning their songs and choreography, and have successfully secured a spot in the front row at this year's festival - a fantastic achievement! Thank you to Tanya Larsson for stepping in to take the choir during my absence earlier this term.
In Week 6, the Festival Choir students participated in the combined rehearsal for the festival, and had the opportunity to showcase their brilliance at the Father's Day breakfast earlier in the term. With just over one week to go before the big event, our students are well prepared to dazzle our school community on the Festival Theatre stage!
Music classes
In Music classes, students have been busy creating and composing all kinds of music!
- The new mid year Reception students were introduced to a range of percussion instruments to play, while the other Reception classes have just started learning about how to play the ukulele!
- The Year 1 classes have been learning about the dreaming story of “Tiddalik the Frog”, and will be creating sound scapes to accompany the story.
- Students in Years 2, 3 and 4 are composing music for their instruments – the ocarinas and the recorders, respectively.
- The Year 5/6 students are composing musical hooks using a combination of recorded instrument sounds and loops on the music program “Soundtrap”.
What a very successful term of music making at OLQP!
Andrew Heuzenroeder
Music teacher / Choir trainer

Our final student free day for 2024 will occur on Friday 13 December.
Please contact Jo Fahey - 0417 840 700 - as soon as possible if you require OSHC services on this day.

Come and join the fun!
- Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9am-12noon for children 3-5 years.
- Playgroup is on Wednesdays 9am-10.30am for children 0-5 years.
For more information, please access the flyers regarding Playgroup and Occasional Care from the Useful Links section at the beginning of this newsletter.
More questions?
Contact - Andi Benzija
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Andi.Benzija@olqp.catholic.edu.au

Upcoming events:
- School disco on 1 November 2024, with a Halloween theme.
The Parents and Friends Committee is a success because of its volunteers. If you would like to join us, please email PNF@olqp.catholic.edu.au.
Corin Mitchell
Parents and Friends Committee Chairperson

New opening times:
- 8.40am – 9am
- 2.45pm – 3.10pm
The second hand uniform shop service, facilitated by a dedicated group of parents, supports the community to access quality and affordable second-hand uniforms for their children.
Donations of quality second hand uniform items needed!
Donations needed. The P & F helps maintain a quality uniform shop for the school community. If you have any quality items at home that no longer fit, please consider donating to our shop through the front office.
Proceeds raised from the sale of these donations go towards student-centred projects and activities at our school.
Located in the P & F Room (near the girls' toilets, adjacent the basketball courts).
Call 8279 8800 if you require more information, or alternatively, you can email the P & F Committee using this email: PNF@olqp.catholic.edu.au.
P & F Committee

New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director

The Port Adelaide Cricket Club is once again offering a Cricket Blasters program this upcoming season.
- When: Starting 5.30pm on Friday 18 October 2024
- Where: Port Reserve, Baynes Place, Port Adelaide
- Program length: 8 weeks in Term 4 2024, 6 weeks in Jan / Feb 2025
You can also use your $100 government school voucher if you have not already done so this year, as these will refresh again next year.
Click on the flyer for more information or contact Darryl Monger.
Darryl Monger
0401 350 335
PlayStart offer an introduction style program to soccer, helping kids socially and physically.
Families can use the SA Government Sports Voucher and save $100.
Click on the flyer or contact Andrew for more information.
PlayStart Soccer
0401 410 465
In 2025 Henley Surf Life Saving Club will celebrate 100 years, making it one of the oldest surf life saving clubs in South Australia, and we are seeking to get as many local kids involved in the sport as possible.
Click on the flyer for more information.
Keonei Boutin
Junior Committee Member
Henley Surf Lifesaving Club
The Grange Surf Lifesaving Club's "Nippers" program is for kids aged 5-13 years. The program promotes beach safety and awareness in an inclusive and fun way, promoting children's confidence, fitness and teamwork.
Grow your kid's beach awareness in a fun and inclusive way. Join Grange SLSC and build their confidence, fitness and teamwork this summer! For more information, click on the flyer or the link below:
If you have any questions please email me:
Sarah Penno
Junior Secretary
Email: juniors@grangeslsc.asn.au
General public enrolments open
Enrolments for the 2024/25 program are now officially open, get in quick as popular locations are filling fast!
Find your nearest location by clicking HERE.
Click on the images to access more information.
Benjamin Lucas
Game Development Officer
Email: blucas@nrl.com.au
Website: nrl.com