Term 3 Week 8 Newsletter
- From the Principal
- From the APRIM
- Music Update
- Children's University Relaunch Reminder!
- Literacy Program Success
- Playgroup in the Playground!
- Vacation Care October Holidays 2022
- Kelly Sports Information
- OLQP Enrolments 2023-2025
- Before & After School Care
- Second-hand uniform shop
- Canteen News
- Early Learning @ OLQP!

Term 3 Week 8 Newsletter
As we approach the end of Term 3, I have been reflecting not only on what we have achieved so far but also the opportunities that the future holds. I appreciate that you, the community, are ready and waiting with great anticipation for school improvements and upgrades. In the relatively short time I have been at the school, I have been working on addressing this as quickly as possible. Though it might not be as fast as hoped, I am pleased to say that a number of plans for school improvement are getting some traction and are beginning to take shape.
Master Plan
Diana Frangos, Finance Officer, and I have met with Grieve Gillett Andersen Architects for a second time. This provided the architects an opportunity to become more familiar with the context and needs of our school. Fleshing out some different ideas and concepts has made it possible for the school to confirm the correct location of the planned Nature Play area.
Nature Play
We currently have 3 concepts for the Nature Play area. Each of these concept plans have evolved from each other, as well as from the feedback received from stakeholders. When I first received the plans, in my excitement, I called for two students from each class to meet with me. Together we unpacked the concept and the students spoke about the need to have a slippery dip. In subsequent conversations, student voice suggested tactile areas like the sand kitchen and mud pit. These student voice suggestions have been incorporated into the designs as part of the evolution of the project.
My hope is that this project will begin before the end of the year.
Improved communication
In listening to the voices of parents, we have reviewed our communication strategy – especially regarding the use of Seesaw. I would hope the increased information about your child’s learning shared via Seesaw has provided you with greater insight of your child’s learning journey.
Next week, Week 9 of Term 3, our 3-way conversations are occurring. This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to share their learning with you, as well as how they are connecting with Catholic Education’s Key Capabilities. In addition to this we will host a Celebration of Learning Expo in Week 2, Term 4. Students will have another opportunity to share some of their learning with you.
Library Space
It is my understanding that the library space refurbishment has been on the school’s radar for quite a few years. The first phase of this refurbishment has started, with painting of the library space beginning this week, Week 8. I am collaborating with Jeanette Barge, Library ESO, in regards to new furnishings for this area. Though these improvements may not be as grand as the previous million dollar plans, they will be a considerable and noticeable improvement on what we currently have. I am hoping that the new furniture will be ready and in place by the end of the October holidays.
The school is blessed with a significantly large library area. Despite the additional Year 1/2 class being located in the original STEM/STEAM room, STEM based learning is still occurring, even though it does not have a designated room. We have allocated a space in the library upgrade exclusively for use as a STEM area.
This year we have added the following STEM based resources:
- 1
2 x Bee Bots,
- 15 x Lego WeDo 2.0 Kits,
- 12 x Sphero SPRK+ (arrived this week),
- 5 x Osmo Kits,
- 3 x additional Lego Spike Kits and
- 3 x Air powered Rocket Launchers.
Amazing Students
I, as well as the OLQP community, already know how amazing OLQP students are. It is wonderful that our students are also being recognised by organisations outside of our community.
Recently our students were recognised by the North West Junior Soccer Association (NWJSA) for their outstanding participation and awarded a “Fair Play” award.
In addition to this recognition, I received a wonderful email from North Haven Primary School, regarding an incident at the recent Cross Country Carnival.
“A girl from our school in the Division 1 race fell over during the race. She wasn't hurt too badly but before she could get up a girl from Our Lady Queen of Peace stopped running and helped her up! She had a little cut but couldn't believe how nice this girl from Queen of Peace was and really cheered her up. Our student really wanted to say a big thank you to that girl but couldn't find her after the race.”
Have a great weekend!
Lee Abela
Staff Retreat
The learning intention of our staff retreat on Friday 9 September 2022 was to strengthen our understanding of Mercy, beginning the process that will lead Our Lady Queen of Peace School (OLQP) into 2023 and beyond.
For those of you who don’t know, OLQP was founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1949.
We spent time learning about the Mercy founder, Catherine McAuley, whose example we are called to follow. Staff engaged in a range of activities that will help inform our action plan and, moving forward, the Mercy charism will underpin all that we do here at Our Lady Queen of Peace.
Our retreat day was held at St Aloysius College, who have been on their own journey to bring to life the Mercy vision and values. We thank them for their generous hospitality and the support they have provided us as we begin our journey.
Please feel welcome to contact me regarding my role as OLQP Chaplain. A reminder that in this role I am able to offer support to students in times of need. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at school on 8279 8800 or via Seesaw.
As part of our retreat, staff were asked to reflect on their favourite Catherine McAuley quote; this one is mine:
“Resolve to be good today, but better tomorrow”.
Marissa Redden
Music at OLQP in Term 3
It has been a very busy time for Music so far this term at OLQP.
Festival Choir
Term 3 means that our Festival Choir members are well on their way to performing at the Adelaide Festival Theatre in just a few short weeks! Back in Week 5, the choir attended a combined rehearsal at Loreto College, where they practised their songs and choreography for the festival with the other 350 students who will be performing on their night. Students are now in the process of fitting in some last minute practice and perfection of their choir repertoire to ensure that they will be performance ready by Week 10.
School Band
The OLQP school band also had the privilege of performing at the Father’s Day breakfast. Our students had an absolute blast performing two songs – Kate Bush’s “Running Up That Hill” and the Monkee’s classic “I’m a Believer”.
Come and Try Program
The “Come and Try Program” for brass and woodwind instruments that began in Term 2 has been running very smoothly so far. Students have had the opportunity to learn these instruments in small groups to develop their music skills, and have been loving every minute of it. “Thank you!” to Brock Neimann and Imogen Dippy for their ongoing hard work with our budding instrumentalists!
Music across the classes
Elsewhere in the school, a lot of music learning is occurring in the classroom – students have been focusing on composing their own music this term.
The Reception students have experimented with percussion instruments to create a “voice” for an alien they have designed, while the Year 1/2 students have not only experimented with composing rhythms to play on the instruments, but also had a go at creating music using technology such as “Incredibox” and “Chrome Music Lab”. The Year 3/4 students composed and performed their own pieces of music for the boom whackers, using the online composition tool “Boomwriter”, while the Year 5/6 students are currently creating their own pieces of “Minimalist” music inspired by the works of composers such as Steve Reich and Philip Glass.
The fun never stops in the music classroom at OLQP!
Andrew Heuzenroeder
Music Teacher
Instrumental Music Coordinator

Relaunch date - 23 September 2022
The Children's University Australia (CUA) program relaunch will occur at 11.15am on Friday 23 September 2022.
The relaunch is an opportunity for students and parents to learn about the CUA program, and how it will begin at OLQP in Term 4, 2022.
Gemma from CUA Adelaide will attend and speak to students in Years 2-5 about how they can participate in this “life-long learning” program at OLQP. Gemma will also bring academic gowns and mortar boards that students who graduate each year have the opportunity to wear.
Parents are most welcome and encouraged to attend the session, where information regarding the whole program including registration will be shared.
At Our Lady Queen of Peace School (OLQP), we are committed to a consistent instruction across year groups and providing an evidence-based approach to reading and spelling aligned with the Australian National Curriculum.
In 2019, our school introduced MiniLit, MultiLit’s Tier 2 small group literacy intervention program. After 12 months with MiniLit, students were making very good progress, but there remained a demand in students needing support and lacking early literacy skills.
This year, we invested in a Reception to Year 2 whole-class Literacy Program, InitiaLit. This is a research initiative of Macquarie University which is based on 30 years of research undertaken by members of the MultiLit Research Unit. Since the inclusion of the program, we are observing our students thrive with their reading, writing, spelling and communicating skills.
The InitiaLit approach is designed to be implemented across the four terms of the school year. InitiaLit–F (Reception) and InitiaLit–1 (Year 1) focus on two main components:
- Phonics, to systematically and explicitly teach the basic and advanced alphabetic code in a set sequence. Children will be introduced to letter-sound correspondences, common morphemes and simple grammatical concepts.
- Vocabulary, oral language and listening comprehension through quality children’s literature. Detailed lessons, including writing tasks, are provided for each of the storybook titles selected.
In InitiaLit–2 (Year 2), the scope of the program broadens to cover four main components:
- Spelling, teaching the remainder of the advanced alphabetic code systematically and explicitly, as well as new spelling rules and morphological concepts.
- Reading comprehension and fluency. This includes explicitly teaching students comprehension strategies and how to apply them to different types of text.
- Grammar, in which children learn key grammatical features and how to apply them to a writing task.
- Vocabulary, oral language and comprehension through children’s literature. Detailed lessons, including writing tasks, are provided for 15 storybook titles.
The results thus far indicate the program has aided in the development of the children’s early reading skills and suggest that InitiaLit may help to reduce the number of students who might struggle to learn to read and need formal intervention in the future.
Please click HERE to view OLQP's results.

Program & booking information
Book your child's spot in OLQP's Vacation Care program for the October 2022 school holidays NOW!
Exciting and fun sessions are likely to fill up fast, so book now to avoid the disappointment of missing out!
You must book by Thursday 22 September 2022.
Please find our exciting Vacation Care program and booking information for the October 2022 school holidays in the downloadable link below:
The Kelly Sports Weekender program allows children to experience energetic and highly active sport-specific sessions, run on Saturday and Sunday mornings across separate-aged sessions. Separate age groups allow for children to learn and enjoy sport in an age-appropriate environment. All programs are run indoors.
This program will challenge and improve children’s motor and co-ordination skills. Our experienced coaches aim to develop and enhance a wide range of sporting skills while also improving strength, flexibility, hand-eye co-ordination, spatial awareness, co-operative skills and teamwork.
Sports we will be focusing on throughout the year are: Tennis, Basketball, Soccer & AFL.
Download the Kelly Sports Flyer HERE for more information, including locations, dates and how to use the government sports voucher discount.
Samantha Horne
Operations Assistant - Program Co-ordinator Adelaide Metro
Kelly Sports Australia
Sibling enrolments
Do you have a toddler or child at kindergarten? Have you enrolled them at OLQP yet?
While priority is given to siblings of children already attending OLQP, we still require a completed “Application for Enrolment” for each and every child.
All families wishing to enrol their children in Reception for 2023-2025 must lodge a completed “Application for Enrolment” as soon as possible.
Please note: If your child was born between 1 May and 31 October, they are eligible for our Semester 2 intake. Application for Enrolment forms are available from the school office or via the downloadable link below:
Download an Application for Enrolment form here.
Contact Maureen on 8279 8800 for more information.
Maureen Wilkinson
Enrolment Officer
Online bookings
A reminder to families that the new booking app is up and running, please speak to Jo if you are having difficulties accessing it.
Please continue to call or text if you are unable to secure your required spot as spaces are blocked to allow for the correct staff : child ratio, spots may be available on request.
To be able access the website app, families must have an email address that is recorded on their Spike account. Families use their email address and PIN code to sign in. Families will be able to see their children's current and upcoming bookings, invoices and current balance owing.
The parent's child care app, Spike Childcare, can be saved to your mobile phone's homepage. Follow this link: Spike Childcare Booking App
New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings still need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director

The OLQP Second-hand Uniform Shop service, facilitated by a dedicated group of parents, supports the community access quality and affordable second-hand uniforms for their children.
Please note CURRENT opening times:
MONDAYS - P & F Room (adjacent the Canteen)
- 8.40am – 9am
- 2.45pm – 3.10pm
Do you have any OLQP uniform items that are washed and in good condition, that your child no longer wears?
If so, please consider passing them onto the Second-hand Uniform Shop.
The staff in the front office are happy to accept and pass on your donation (or consignment items) to the Second-hand Uniform Shop volunteers.
Call 8279 8800 if you require more information.
Louisa Scopacasa
Second-hand Uniform Shop Coordinator
P & F Committee

he school canteen is open EVERY Friday.
Orders can be placed via the QKR! App by 8am Friday mornings.
Alternatively, you can place your order in a brown paper bag with money enclosed and place it in the box provided in your child’s classroom.
The updated canteen menu can be accessed and downloaded via the link below.
Download the canteen menu here
Wendy Koegler
Canteen Manager
Occasional Care
OLQP Occasional Care is an accredited program for 3-5 years olds, and is delivered by qualified educators.
OLQP Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9am to 12noon during school terms.
Cost is $10 per session.
Further important information and details can be found via the link to the UPDATED downloadable flyer:
During Term 3, Playgroup is scheduled on Wednesdays from 9am to 10.30am during school terms.
More information, including times and scheduled activities can be found in the UPDATED downloadable flyer via the link below.
Come along for play-based learning and fun, and make new friends!
More questions?
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Rachael - rstathis@olqp.catholic.edu.au
Rachael Stathis
Occasional Care & Playgroup Coordinator
