Term 3 Week 3 2024 Newsletter
- Useful Links
- From the Principal
- From the Assistant Principal Religious Identity & Mission
- From the Assistant Principal Learning, Engagement & Teaching
- Catholic Schools Open Week August 2024
- School Photo Day
- Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival Results
- 2024 Book Week Schedule
- Student free day
- Class update - 1SW
- Class update - 1SW gallery
- Class update - RJC
- Class update - RJC gallery
- Specialist update - Visual Art
- Specialist update - SALA Launch
- Class update - RDS
- Class update - RDS gallery
- Class update - 3/4OM
- Class update - 3/4OM gallery
- Parents and Friends Committee update
- Early Learning @ OLQP!
- Second hand uniform shop
- Before & After School Care
- Community News

Term 3 Week 3 2024 Newsletter

Download any of the following documents by clicking on the link.
Playgroup & Occasional Care
Parents & Friends Committee
- Email: PNF@olpq.catholic.edu.au
Second hand Uniform Shop
- Please note that the Parents and Friends Committee are no longer accepting uniforms for sale on consignment.
Term calendars
- Term 1, 2024 calendar
- Term 2, 2024 calendar - Updated 05/24
- Term 3, 2024 calendar - Updated 08/24
- Term 4, 2024 calendar - Updated 08/24

Welcome to Term 3! So far this term, we have welcomed many new students to the school. Not only in the mid year Reception class but also in other year levels. Since the start of the year, we have welcomed 25 new students to the school.
We currently have 240 students in our school. 2024 not only marks the 75 year anniversary of the school, it also marks the first time we have had an enrolment of over 200 students since Year 7 students moved to secondary education at the end of 2018. It has been even longer since our enrolment numbers were last around the 240 mark.
As our school continues to grow, I am ensuring that we implement structures so that student learning and wellbeing is not compromised. This year we modified and increased our leadership structure, and employed additional support staff. We also moved to consistent and evidence based approaches to student learning, as well as investing in staff professional learning.
Planning for 2025 is well on its way. The school continues to grow and in 2025 will have 11 classes. Planning beyond 2025 has also begun. I am working closely with the Catholic Education Finance and Building and Infrastructure teams. I hope to be able to share more with you before the end of the term. I gratefully appreciated the completion of the feedback survey done earlier this year, which has supported the development of our plan.
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
I make no apologies for having high expectations of our students and believing that they are amazing. That is not to say that we are perfect, but the moment I view students as being just "okay" or "good", I am simply limiting their potential.
This week was the feast day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. She saw the goodness and opportunity in every child. One of St Mary‘s many powerful quotes is:
“Do more with action than words”.
Our students regularly show how amazing they are, both in and out of the school.
Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival
I had the good fortune this week to attend the Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival. I was very impressed with our students' participation, encouragement, support, and the general manner they conducted themselves. There was a noticeable difference between our students and students of other schools. I know that I walked around as a proud principal of the school.
SALA Exhibition Launch and Opening
Last week we had the opening of our SALA Exhibition. The quality of the work on display is another example of how amazing our students are and that they “do more with actions than words”. Thank you to Suzanne Healey, our Visual Art Teacher, who has facilitated this amazing opportunity for our students.
Consistency is the key
Over the last few years we have worked towards building consistency across the school. This includes our approach to teaching and learning, and the development of Literacy and Numeracy Agreements. Putting these structures in place is designed to improve the learning outcomes of our students.
Looking at our data since implementing these structures, we have seen significant growth in our student learning and outcomes. Our Year 3 NAPLAN data (click on the image of the graph to enlarge) is a good example of how well we are performing.
NAPLAN is no longer using "bands" as achievement levels; students now achieve a result in one of four categories:
- Exceeding
- Strong
- Developing
- Needs Attention
- In Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Numeracy, we had no students in the ‘Needs Attention’ category.
- In Grammar, we had considerably fewer students in the "Needs Attention" category in comparison to schools in the western region and across all CESA schools.
A significant number of our students were in the "Strong" category. Areas for growth include increasing the number of students in the "Exceeding" category, particularly in Reading and Writing. We are addressing this with the introduction of the "7 Steps to Writing Success" program.
It is clear, from the table above, that we are providing students with great learning, and that they are achieving sound learning outcomes. We compared well against both Catholic schools in the western region of Adelaide as well as across the whole of Catholic Education South Australia.
New staff
As we grow, we ensure our school has the staff required to support our students. We welcome Skye Peucker and Tegan Dart to our community. Skye has joined the administration ESO team, and Tegan is supporting students in her role of curriculum ESO.
Finally, please note that we have a student free day on Friday 6 September 2024. Please contact Jo at OSHC if you require care.
Lee Abela

This week we turn our focus to a remarkable woman whose legacy continues to resonate deeply: St Mary MacKillop, as we celebrate her Feast Day on 8 August. Born on 15 January 1842, in Melbourne, Australia, St Mary MacKillop’s life and work exemplify compassion, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of education and justice for all.
A vision of education
St Mary MacKillop, co-founder of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, is celebrated as Australia’s first saint. Her mission was clear from a young age: to provide education and care for the poor and underserved communities. Alongside Father Julian Tenison Woods, St Mary established schools and institutions across Australia, even in the most remote areas. Her commitment to education was driven by a deep belief that every child deserved a chance to learn and thrive, regardless of their background.
Overcoming Challenges
St Mary’s journey was not without its challenges. She faced significant opposition, both from within the Church and the broader community. Despite these obstacles, her unwavering faith and determination guided her efforts. Her resilience and dedication were instrumental in overcoming these barriers, allowing her vision to flourish and make a lasting impact.
A legacy of compassion
St Mary MacKillop’s legacy extends beyond her work in education. Her life was marked by a profound sense of compassion and service. She worked tirelessly to assist those in need, including the sick and impoverished. Her actions reflected a deep understanding of the values of empathy and kindness, setting a powerful example for future generations.
Canonisation and recognition
St Mary MacKillop was beatified in 1995 and canonised as a saint by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010. Her canonisation was a momentous occasion for Australia and the global Catholic community, recognising her extraordinary contributions and the enduring influence of her work. Today, her legacy is celebrated not only through her canonisation but also through numerous schools and institutions named in her honour.
Inspiration for today
As we reflect on St Mary MacKillop’s life and achievements, we are reminded of the profound impact that one person’s vision and dedication can have on the world. Her commitment to education, her resilience in the face of adversity, and her compassionate service continue to inspire individuals and communities around the globe.
In honouring St Mary MacKillop, let us strive to carry forward her spirit of selfless service and unwavering commitment to justice and education. Her life is a testament to the power of faith, perseverance, and a generous heart.
As St Mary MacKillop once said:
“Never see a need without doing something about it”.
Marissa Redden
Assistant Principal
Religious Identity & Mission

Embracing CESA Key Capabilities for student success
At OLQP, we are excited to share with you that our teaching practices align with the Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) Key Capabilities. These capabilities are designed to equip our students with essential skills and attributes for their personal, academic, and spiritual growth.
Understanding the CESA Key Capabilities
The CESA key capabilities framework focuses on several core areas:
- Navy Key – Moral, Compassionate, Ecologically Aware:
Understanding the needs and emotions of others, fostering an inclusive environment and promoting practices that protect the environment. - Teal Key – Spiritually Aware and Inspired by Faith:
Having a deep knowledge and understanding of themselves as learners and their continuous growing relationship with God. - Purple Key – Confident and careful Creators and Users of ICTs:
Fostering an environment where students understand effective platforms and adapt to changes in the digital landscape. - Red Key – Knowledgeable, Inquisitive and Innovative:
Enhancing students' abilities to think critically and feel free to express their creativity and come up with innovative solutions.. - Blue Key – Literate, numerate and Effective Communicators:
Developing strong communication skills for effective interaction and the ability to solve problems effectively. - Yellow Key – Self-aware, Collaborative and Social Adept:
Promoting collaborative work and the importance of teamwork. - Orange Key – Intercultural and Globally Minded:
Building students' skills, including empathy, cultural and ethical understanding.
Student-led Conferences – Week 9
A highlight of this term will be our student-led conferences. These conferences are a fantastic opportunity for students to take ownership of their learning journey. During the conferences, students will:
- Present their learning outcomes to their parents and teachers.
- Reflect on their strengths and areas for growth.
- Set personal goals based on the feedback received.
The student-led conferences will not only showcase our students' academic achievements but also highlight their development in the key capabilities. This process encourages students to become more responsible and proactive in their learning, fostering a sense of pride and student agency.
We look forward to witnessing their growth and celebrating their achievements throughout the term. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in our educational journey.
Adriana Pilla
Assistant Principal
Learning, Engagement and Teaching

Catholic Schools Open Week, 19-25 August 2024, is fast approaching!
Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions that a parent makes.
This Catholic Schools Open Week, as we do every week of the year, interested parents and families are invited to contact our school and make a time that is convenient for them to visit with our Principal, Lee Abela, and tour our amazing school.
This is an opportunity for all interested families to come and see our amazing community in action.
Please feel free to invite friends or family members who might be interested in learning how Our Lady Queen of Peace School and a Catholic education can set their child up for life.
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: info@olqp.catholic.edu.au.

School photo day - Monday 12 August 2024
Event Photo is a South Australian owned business, and our new school photographers!
Important details:
- Photo Day: Monday 12 August 2024
- Early bird discount: Order and pay by 6am Monday 12 August 2024 and receive a 10% discount.
All orders and payments are now online or using the Event Photo app and QR code.
The information sheet that was distributed to families can be accessed by clicking HERE or on the document image.

We are excited to share the highlights from the recent Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival held at Park 15, Adelaide Parklands on Wednesday 7 August 2024.
We had 18 dedicated students from Years 3 to 6 represent our school, showcasing their talent and determination.
Among the participants, there were several outstanding individual results that deserve recognition for their hard work and perseverance.
- 1st - Henry S Year 4 Boys Division A
- 1st - Hudson P Year 3 Boys Division B
- 3rd - Sophie P Year 5 Girls Division B
- 4th - Maxwell W Year 4 Boys Division B
- 4th - Alexis W Year 4 Girls Division B
- 6th - Oliver M Year 3 Boys Division B
We extend our gratitude to our parent spectators who came to cheer the students on!
Photos will be posted to our Facebook page soon!
Matthew Annetta
PE teacher / Sports Coordinator

Our school to celebrate Book Week - Week 5
Our Lady Queen of Peace School is thrilled to announce our participation in this year's Book Week, celebrating the enchanting theme "Reading is Magic!".
From parades to magic shows, our event schedule is packed with exciting activities that highlight the magical world of books.
Event Schedule:
Monday 19 August:
- Book Character Parade: Students and teachers are invited to dress up as their favourite book characters. The parade will take place in Bilyonendi Hall at 9am.
Tuesday 20 August:
- Special Lunch: Inspired by the book "Strega Nona", enjoy a special lunch with a bowl of pasta, garlic bread, fruit box, and gelato. Orders can be placed via Qkr! by Friday 16 August.
Wednesday 21 August:
- Performance Visit: A special visit from local artist and performers, Performance Education, who will share stories and insights about the magic of story telling and reading. This event will be held in Bilyonendi Hall from 9.10am.
Thursday 22 August:
- Magic Show: A captivating magic show to delight and entertain our students, reinforcing the magical theme of the week. The show will start at 12noon in Bilyonendi Hall.
Friday 23 August:
- Scavenger Hunt: Students will embark on a magical scavenger hunt, searching for magical clues and words hidden around the school grounds.
We look forward to a week filled with wonder and excitement as we celebrate the magical world of reading. Join us in making Book Week a memorable and enchanting experience for all our students!
Adriana Pilla
On behalf of the Book Week committee

Friday 6 September 2024 is our next student free day.
Please contact Jo Fahey - 0417 840 700 - as soon as possible if you require OSHC services on this day.

This term in our HASS unit, students in 1SW are working with their friends and peers from 1TM.
We are looking closely at the history of family structures, roles, and daily life. We started by watching a time traveller video and discussed what belonged in the past, what belongs in the present, and what the future could look like.
We are now exploring the family unit and how this can come in many forms. Here are some of the students' artwork.
Kim Whyte & Sarah Willetts
Year 1 teachers

In RJC we have been preparing for the Feast of St Mary MacKillop.
We read a book about St Mary MacKillop’s journey and life story, and we learned about the compassion and care she showed for all people.
To remind us of St Mary MacKillop’s dedication to serve God and all people, we made prayer cards. We reflected on one of Mary MacKillop’s known quotes:
“Find happiness in making others happy”.
James Cummings
Reception teacher

"Kind Hearts, Creative Minds" OLQP SALA Exhibition
A highlight of the Visual Art program is our school’s participation in SALA, the South Australian Living Artists Festival. The festival is Australia’s largest and most inclusive visual arts event and spans the entire month of August, involving over 600 venues across the state and over 9,000 participating artists. The exhibition showcases selected artworks created by students from Reception through to Year 6.
It was wonderful to see so many student artists and their families attend the official launch on Friday 2 August 2024. Guest speaker Maddy Forde, Senior Advisor for Ministry at Catholic Education South Australia, officially opened the exhibition and spoke about the importance of art in education.
The artworks will be exhibited until 31 August 2024 and is free to view during Civic Library (Woodville) opening hours. Below are some photos of the exhibition opening and a few additional art works that were part of the exhibition but not able to be displayed at the launch.
More photos of our SALA launch can be found on our Facebook page - Click HERE to view.
In the Art Room
This term the primary and middle years classes have been busy working on three dimensional artworks constructed using papier mâché. The Year 3s and 4s are making confectionery sculptures inspired by the American contemporary artist Peter Anton. The Year 5s and 6s are creating a creature/character/object of their choice.
Year 2 students are about to start creating some faux glass sculptures using PET plastic bottles, focusing on sustainability and inspired by glass artist Dale Chihuly.
Year 1 students have just completed some colourful and delicious looking ice cream sculptures which are part of the school’s SALA exhibition.
The Reception classes have just started a printmaking unit and will be creating some magical cities using their newly learnt printmaking skills.
Suzanne Healey
Visual Art teacher

This year, RDS has been paired with the students in 2CE as buddies. We get together every three weeks as well as on special occasions. It is a privilege to be able to foster these different age relationships.
The Year 2 students flourish as leaders whilst the Reception students are warmly welcomed into the new school environment and have some other familiar faces to see during recess and lunch play.
We have witnessed many moments during the structured and unstructured activities where the students have been teaching and learning from one another. It is just beautiful to be able to witness these joyful moments.
Diem Savy
Reception teacher

In our recent Mathematics lessons, we have been exploring the concept of arrays as a powerful tool for learning multiplication.
An array is a visual representation of objects arranged in rows and columns, making it easier to grasp the concept of repeated addition.
By using arrays, we are visualising multiplication problems, such as seeing that 3 rows of 4 objects equals 12. This helps us understand the relationship between numbers more concretely.
This strategy not only builds a strong foundation for multiplication but also enhances problem solving skills and mathematical thinking!
Here is a snapshot of our array creations with lemons.
Olivia Mammone
Year 3/4 teacher

People First Community Lottery
A big "Thank you!" to you, our school community, for your support of the People First Community Lottery. The lottery was drawn on 1 August 2024, and we certainly hope we have a winner from our community. Your support goes directly to resourcing equipment for student-centred activities.
Future events
Events coming up include:
- Book Week special lunch on 20 August 2024,
- Father's Day stall on 29 August 2024, and
- School disco on 1 November 2024, with a Halloween theme.
OLQP beanies
Reminder that OLQP beanies are still available for purchase for these cold mornings. You can purchase through Qkr! or at the uniform shop, when it is open each Friday morning and afternoon of term.
The beanies are not an official uniform item, however students are permitted to wear them during recess and lunch as well as before school.
The Parents and Friends Committee is a success because of its volunteers. If you would like to join us, please email PNF@olqp.catholic.edu.au.
Corin Mitchell
Parents and Friends Committee Chairperson

Come and join the fun!
- Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9am-12noon for children 3-5 years.
- Playgroup is on Wednesdays 9am-10.30am for children 0-5 years.
For more information, please access the flyers regarding Playgroup and Occasional Care from the Useful Links section at the beginning of this newsletter.
More questions?
Contact - Andi Benzija
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Andi.Benzija@olqp.catholic.edu.au

New opening times:
- 8.40am – 9am
- 2.45pm – 3.10pm
The second hand uniform shop service, facilitated by a dedicated group of parents, supports the community to access quality and affordable second-hand uniforms for their children.
Donations of quality second hand uniform items needed!
Donations needed. The P & F helps maintain a quality uniform shop for the school community. If you have any quality items at home that no longer fit, please consider donating to our shop through the front office.
Proceeds raised from the sale of these donations go towards student-centred projects and activities at our school.
Located in the P & F Room (near the girls' toilets, adjacent the basketball courts).
Call 8279 8800 if you require more information, or alternatively, you can email the P & F Committee using this email: PNF@olqp.catholic.edu.au.
P & F Committee

New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director
