Term 3 Week 3 2023 Newsletter
- Useful Links
- From the Principal
- From the APRIM
- OSHC Student Free Day Bookings ...
- SALA 'Art from the Heart' Exhibition Launch
- SALA 'Art from the Heart' Exhibition Launch Gallery
- Book Week: 19 - 25 August 2023
- Wakakirri 2023
- Wakakirri Performance Gallery
- Class update - 1 PW
- 1 PW Circle Time Gallery
- Make-A-Book Literacy Challenge Winners!
- Class update - R C
- Class update - R C Gallery
- New OLQP sports tops
- Class update - R R
- Class update - R R Gallery
- Early Learning @ OLQP!
- Parents and Friends Committee contact details
- Second-hand uniform shop
- Before & After School Care
- FREE Soccer Clinics - Girls
- Western Region School Disability Expo
- Western Little Athletics Club
- National Science Week Weekend Workshops

Term 3 Week 3 2023 Newsletter
Download any of the following documents by clicking on the link.
Playgroup & Occasional Care
Parents & Friends Committee
- Email: PNF@olpq.catholic.edu.au
Second-hand Uniform Shop
Welcome to Term 3!
It is amazing how fast the year is moving but what is equally as amazing is what we have achieved in only 6 months. The quality of teaching and learning across the school has allowed children to thrive, grow and be successful. Considerable thought and planning has been invested into the design and use of classroom and play spaces, with the explicit aim to increase learning outcomes and support student regulation. I am pleased to share that our ‘word of mouth’ in the community is positive and we started Term 3 with 199 students. In 74 years, our school population reached over 300 (301) students only once, and has not been over 200 since Year 7 students moved to secondary education.
Over the last few years, our school has experienced change. This has included leadership and teaching staff. A parent I was speaking with recently asked, “How long will you be here?”. Their question was based around the significant change we have experienced. My response was simple; “I am proud to be the Principal of Our Lady Queen of Peace School and I am serious about leading significant change. Significant change is a 5-7 year process, so I will be here at least for that long”. They were pleased with the response and were appreciative of the school improvement so far! I was the principal of my last school for 10 years.
Though it might seem early, I have commenced advertising for the 2024 staffing team. Some of our staff are permanently employed, while others are on contracts. I take my role of ensuring I have the very best staff to educate our children seriously. The 2023 team have proven to be strong.
I am keen to create continuity in the teaching team as we move forward. I have advertised 2 permanent classroom teacher and 2 permanent specialist teacher vacancies. I will keep you updated as this process unfolds. If you have any questions, please feel welcome to contact me.
Nature Play
Our new Nature Play has been an absolute success! It has been wonderful to see a mixture of year levels in this area playing together. I have counted over 32 children in the sandpit at one time. Though children enjoying playing in the sandpit, it goes “next level” when the water is available.
I am hoping to confirm the start of construction of our larger Nature Play area, which will replace the current playground. Work is due to start before the end of the month. My hope is that construction will be completed by early to mid Term 4. Click on the image to view the concept plans.
The introduction of two additional specialist areas this year has created amazing learning opportunities for our children. Last Friday, OLQP had its first ever South Australia Living Artists (SALA) art exhibition at the Civic Library - Woodville, which was officially opened by City of Charles Sturt Mayor, Angela Evans.
The feedback from families and the wider community was exceptionally positive. People were amazed at the quality of the art work, especially when they saw the age of the artists. A big and special thank you is extended to Suzanne Healey, our Visual Arts teacher. What she has been able to achieve in only 6 months has been truly amazing. Our art exhibition will be on display in the Civic Library - Woodvile for the month of August.
We are truly blessed to have expert and passionate specialist teachers on our staff:
- Visual Arts - Suzanne Healey,
- STEM/Science - Tamara Brooker,
- Music - Andrew Heuzenroeder,
- Spanish - Gema Sánchez, and
- PE - Matthew Annetta.
As previously announced, Wendy Koegler resigned her position for personal reasons. Wendy was part of the our community for the last 28 years. We thank her for the many roles she has filled over these years.
This term we welcome Ms Josie Scaffidi who will now facilitate the running of the canteen. Though Josie has big shoes to fill, it is also an opportunity for us to review the canteen oeprations and for Josie to make the role her own. There may be a period of adjustment as Josie finds her feet and sets up her system. We are currently discovering our supplier list and reviewing this list so to ensure we provide quality and nutritious food for our students..
I have distributed a survey link via SeeSaw to gain your feedback and thoughts. It would be lovely to see volunteers regularly helping out in the canteen moving forward. Thank you to Gail, Josie and Sarah for their help on Friday of Week 3!
New students
We welcomed many new students to the school at the beginning of Term 3. A special welcome is extended to our new mid year Reception students. They are very excited to be part of our community - I currently feel like a rock star every time I go past the class!
Final thoughts…
We have a busy term ahead, filled with many learning opportunities for our students. A term calendar to let you know what is happening this term will be distributed via SeeSaw shortly. Please note that there is a student free day on Friday 8 September.
As always, please feel welcome to catch up with me if you have any questions, concerns, or celebrations you would like to share. We are in partnership in your child’s education and wellbeing.
Lee Abela

We celebrated Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop Feast Day (8 August) on Tuesday with a whole school Liturgy facilitated by Ms May’s Year 1 class.
Mary MacKillop was the co-founder of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart order, and became Australia's inaugural canonised saint.
Born to Scottish immigrants in Victoria, Mary was the eldest of eight siblings. Her early years were spent labouring to support her family. At the age of 24, she consecrated her life to God and assumed the name "Mary of the Cross."
Collaborating with Fr Julian Tenison-Woods, Mary established a school within a disused stable in Penola, South Australia. Her vision was to furnish education to disadvantaged children. A multitude of other women congregated there, leading to the establishment of Australia's premiere religious order: the Sisters of St Joseph.
Devoted to assisting the indigent, Mary and the Sisters immersed themselves in the communities requiring aid. This commitment led Mary to traverse various rural regions throughout Australia.
Mary encountered formidable opposition during her lifetime, even enduring excommunication at one juncture. In the face of adversity, she epitomized forgiveness, refraining from speaking ill of those who wronged her while steadfastly upholding her beliefs.
Mary emerged as an extraordinary female leader in 19th century Australia. Her unwavering dedication and determination significantly contributed to the contemporary state of education in the country.
May we continue to be inspired by the work of Mary and continue to “never see a need without doing something about it”.
Marissa Redden

Our next student free day will be on Friday 8 September 2023.
If you require the services of OSHC on that day, please call Jo on 0417 840 700 as soon as possible.
Spaces are limited and will fill fast.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director

What a success our SALA "Art from the Heart" Exhibition launch was on Friday 4 August 2023, showcasing the art work of 86 OLQP students across all year levels!
Held at the Civic Library - Woodville, the exhibition was opened by the Mayor of City Of Charles Sturt, Angela Evans, with over 100 people in attendance, including student artists, family members, OLQP staff, library staff and clientelle!
The high quality of the student art work was a common conversation topic during the afternoon event, as well as the professional presentation. Congratulations are extended to Suzanne Healey, our specialist Visual Arts teacher, who guided students to extend themselves and achieve a quality of work beyond their own expectations.
Ned Kelly's Bakery pastries, and fruit platters donated by Charles Sturt Libraries, were happily consumed by guests, most of whom made their way to the launch immediately after school.
The exhibition remains open, during library open hours, until the end of August 2023.
- Location: Civic Library - Woodville, 72 Woodville Road, Woodville
- Viewing times: 7 days a week, during normal library opening hours
Images from the evening appear in the gallery following this article.

It's that time of the year again when schools, libraries, and book lovers come together to celebrate the wonders of literature during Book Week. At Our Lady Queen of Peace School, it is a culmination of activities that nurtures a lifelong love for reading.
The annual event is a thoughtful series of activities intended to ignite the imagination, spark curiosity, and foster a sense of appreciation of stories. We are thrilled to embark on this adventure with our students in Week 5, from 21-25 August. We invite all parents/caregivers to join us in celebrating the joy of reading during this highly anticipated week.
Please refer to the schedule below to check out what is happening each day.
Click on the image of the schedule or HERE to download and access.
Important information
Book Swap
Book Week encourages the spirit of sharing and giving back. The Book Swap event provides students with an opportunity to exchange books they've enjoyed or contribute to expanding their reading resources. These acts reinforce the idea that books are treasures meant to be shared, and every reader can make a difference in another's literary journey. The OLQP Book Swap will take place each morning from 8:30am to 8:55am in the Early Learning Precinct.
Please click HERE or on the document below to check out what is happening each day.
On Wednesday 23 August, Perform Education are presenting their musical adventure - WAY TOO COOL! The performance is a celebration of the way books, and the 2023 CBCA shortlisted books, can inspire every individual on their journey of personal growth and development. It is also a journey that leads the characters and students through the twists and turns of mapping out a way to solve their differences using empathy, kindness and a strong sense of humour. Please refer to the poster for more information by clicking HERE or on the image of the poster.
A highlight of Book Week is undoubtedly the Parade. Students and teachers alike dress up as their favourite book characters, transforming the school grounds into a bustling gathering of literary icons. Whether it's Harry Potter, Matilda, or the Cat in the Hat, the parade showcases the power of books in shaping our imaginations and inspiring creativity. The OLQP Book Week parade will take place on Friday 25 August in Bilyonendi Hall from 9:10am.
So, let's open the costume box, dust off those accessories, turn the pages of new adventures, and join hands in celebrating the joy of reading during this extraordinary Book Week!
Happy reading!
Adriana Pilla
Leader of Learning - Literacy
Book Week Coordinator

On Wednesday 9 August, the Norwood Town Hall came alive with an enchanting display of talent and creativity. As the OLQP Wakakirri Dance Squad took the stage for the highly anticipated performance, all of their hard work had paid off. The evening was a testament to the power of the arts in fostering enthusiasm, collaboration, and unforgettable memories.
The young participants shone brightly as they showcased their talents, leaving the audience in high spirits. The enthusiasm and passion that emanated from the children was infectious.
The Wakakirri performance not only provided a platform for the children to express themselves creatively, but it also encouraged them to work as a team. The experience of rehearsing and collaborating on a performance fostered camaraderie and a sense of unity among the young participants.
The excitement in the air was palpable as families and friends gathered to witness the show. The eager anticipation in the eyes of the children before taking the stage was matched only by the immense pride displayed on the faces of their loved ones. The audience's cheers and applause further fueled the children's confidence and passion, making the evening truly unforgettable for everyone involved.
As the curtains fell and the last note rang through the hall, it was clear that the memories created that night will be cherished for years to come.
It is with great excitement that Our Lady Queen of Peace School was announced as the "Spirit of Wakakirri Award" winner at the end of the evening! The "Spirit of Wakakirri' Award is extremely important as it recognises our students for their great behaviour, team work on the day (on and off stage), as well as the encouragement they gave to other schools that were also performing on the evening.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the participants, teachers, volunteers, and supporters who made this enchanting evening possible. Your dedication to nurturing the artistic spirit of our children has truly left a mark on our community.
As we bid adieu to this year's Wakakirri performance, we eagerly await the magic that future editions will bring, knowing that the children's creativity and passion will continue to shine brightly on the stage of Norwood Town Hall. Together, we celebrate the power of the arts and the joy of making memories that will last a lifetime.
Adriana Pilla & Natalie Urdanoff
Wakakirri Coordinators

Each week we participate in Circle Time. This is a time when we work on building relationships with others. We learn to listen with understanding, explore feelings, share ideas, and begin to see the world from another person’s viewpoint.
Last week, we continued to learn more about one another. We also looked at what we need when we are hurt.
Here are some of our ideas that we came up with (click on images to enlarge):
Sarah Willetts
1 PW teacher

Congratulations to the students in 1PW who were announced as class entry winners of the "Mayoral Make-A-Book Literacy Challenge 2023 - City Of Charles Sturt"!
The Mayoral Make-A-Book Literacy Challenge is a popular book making community program for young authors and illustrators.
The challenge gives children a taste of what it is like to create their own book while practising study skills and processes that they will eventually be doing at higher levels in school.
What a fantastic effort!
Adriana Pilla
1 PW teacher
In Reception, we are learning about equal sharing in Mathematics.
To develop our understanding of this concept we made mini pizzas! The students shared their pizza toppings amongst their group, ensuring that each person in their group had equal amounts.
The students not only had fun making their pizzas, but they also enjoyed eating them! View images of the fun that was had in the gallery following this article!
James Cummings
Reception teacher

We are thrilled to announce that we finally acquired brand new basketball singlets for our school teams! It’s great to see the power of unity and style a new uniform brings when our basketballers step onto the court. Please remember to return your child’s basketball singlet at season's end to avoid being invoiced for a replacement.
Matthew Annetta
PE / Sports Coordinator
The children in Reception R are settling in well to school life at OLQP. We have begun to learn the school and classroom routines and we are practising them each day. As we have been getting to know one another, we have also been working on how we can be a good friend to others.
During our first week at school, we were very excited to receive some special clues from The Gingerbread Man. The clues have taken us on a tour around the school and have helped us to learn about the different areas of the school and when and how we are allowed to use these areas. The Gingerbread Man also left us a craft activity to do as part of one of his clues. Here are some pictures of the gingerbread people we made. We are now making a class book about the Gingerbread Man’s time at Our Lady Queen of Peace School; we are sure it will be on the best sellers list soon. View the images in the gallery following
Rachael Stathis
Reception teacher

It's back! Please come and celebrate our community with a fun filled night!
- When: Friday 27 October 2023
- Time: 6:30pm
The P&F are also looking for the school community/connections to contribute to the Silent Auction.
We are always happy with any help.
Email: PnF@olqp.catholic.edu.au

Come and join the fun!
- Playgroup is on Wednesdays 9-10.30am.
- Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9-12pm for children 3-5yrs.
For more information, please access the flyers regarding Playgroup and Occasional Care from the Useful Links section at the beginning of this newsletter.
More questions?
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Alison.Ferguson@olqp.catholic.edu.au
Alison Ferguson
Occasional Care and Playgroup Faciliator

Current opening times:
- 8.40am – 9am
- 2.45pm – 3.10pm
The second-hand uniform shop service, facilitated by a dedicated group of parents, supports the community to access quality and affordable second-hand uniforms for their children.
Now located in the P & F Room (near the girls' toilets, adjacent the basketball courts).
Call 8279 8800 if you require more information, or alternatively, you can email the P & F Committee using this email: PNF@olqp.catholic.edu.au.
Louisa Scopacasa
Second-hand Uniform Shop Coordinator
P & F Committee
New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director

To celebrate the FIFA Women's World Cup, that is currently being held in Australia and New Zealand, Football Star Academy will be hosting 2 FREE Girls Only Clinics.
The head coach of these sessions is former Matildas player, Jenna McCormick.
- When: Friday 11 & 18 August 2023
- Location: Kidman Park Primary School
- Time: 3.45pm - 4.45pm
- Cost: FREE
Click HERE or on the image to download the flyer and access more information.
Click HERE or on the following link to register your interest: forms.gle/iZ3Lx6wGdocbfCX86
Our Lady of La Vang, in conjunction with Nazareth Catholic College, is holding a post-school pathways and NDIS Provider Information Night, for families across the western region.
Families will have the opportunity to speak to a range of organisations and providers at the Western Region Schools Disability Expo.
- When: Wednesday 23 August 2023
- Time: 6pm-8pm
- Where: Nazareth Catholic College, Flinders Park campus
Upstairs Caritas Building, 1 Hartley Road, Flinders Park
The evening is designed to facilitate families being able to connect with providers in a personalised environment, to discuss their child’s needs and learn more about what each of the providers can offer.
There will not only be disability employment agencies attending, but also NDIS providers who can discuss funding and the ways in which to maximise options for young people. We will also have drinks and nibbles available.
Children / young people are encouraged to attend as they may have questions to ask on the night. For those with younger children, we will have child care options – just let us know on the RSVP form.
Please make sure to register by 12 August 2023 via the following link, as this will greatly support our planning.
Click HERE to access / download the flyer.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the school.
Victoria Richardson
Community & Engagement Manager
Nazareth Catholic College
P: 8406 5055
E: victoria.richardson@nazareth.org.au
Come and Try Little Athletics!
The Western Little Athletics Club (formerly Henley Little Athletics Club) invites your child to a Come and Try evening.
- What: Come and try opportunity and registration night
- Where: Henley Oval, corner White and Raymond Streets, Henley Beach
- When: Friday 15 September 2023
- Time: 6pm-7.30pm
Season starts Friday 22 September 2023.
Click HERE to download and access the flyer and more information.

Come and learn about trees, how they benefit us and can help fight climate change.
This 1-hour workshop will feature:
- Fun, interactive activities
- How to plant a tree
- A free tree to take home and plant
- A free National Science Week baseball cap and badge
- A free book about trees for each family group or individual
More information, including dates, times and locations, can be found by clicking HERE or on the image of the flyer.