Term 2 Week 6 2023 Newsletter
- Useful Links
- From the Principal
- From the APRIM
- From the Wellbeing Leader
- IMPORTANT Changes to Street Parking around OLQP
- Wear it Yellow Day!
- Wear it Yellow Day!
- Keeping Children Safe - Child Protection Curriculum
- Specialist update - Visual Art
- Visual Art - Specialist teaching
- Class update - R C
- Class update - R C
- Literacy update
- Class update - 1 PW
- 1PW Marine Discovery Centre Visit
- Early Learning @ OLQP!
- Parents and Friends Committee contact details
- Second-hand uniform shop
- Before & After School Care
- Parent Engagement Workshop - Mark Le Messurier
- SA Dental Service for children
- Australian Girls Choir Open Day
- Woodville District Baseball Club

Term 2 Week 6 2023 Newsletter
Download any of the following documents by clicking on the link.
School Term Calendar
Playgroup & Occasional Care
- Occasional Care flyer
- Playgroup flyer
- Playgroup session outline - Term 2, 2023
- Playgroup Term 2, 2023 outline
Parents & Friends Committee
- Email: PNF@olpq.catholic.edu.au
Second-hand Uniform Shop
As a school, we have a lot to celebrate. Though it has been a busy few weeks, it has been filled with many examples of how amazing our students are, more school improvement, and the growing of our school’s capacity.
Sacrament of Confirmation / Community
I am a firm believer that we enrol children into our school and not into a classroom. This simply means that every child is every staff member’s responsibility. We are all part of every child’s education and development. It is with this belief that we become a school community / family.
This week five students celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. In most schools, the Principal or leadership team and the classroom teacher would attend this celebration. On Tuesday night, nine staff members attended the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in support of these children. Of course, not every staff member was able to attend but this was a good representation of the support our staff extend to the children in our care. Click on the photo to view the enlarge image of our student celebrants.
National Simultaneous Storytime / Book Fair
Our school joined other educational settings around Australia to read the ‘Sleepy Sloth’. We were fortunate to have the Premier, Hon Peter Malinauskas MP, read the story to our school community.
At the start of the day, I shared my expectations with the students. I spoke about how we needed to show our best selves and represent the school with pride. The plan was that the school community would be seated in the hall five minutes before the Premier was due to arrive. Despite the Premier running late, our students demonstrated how amazing they are. They sat quietly and respectfully in Bilyonendi Hall for 20 minutes waiting for the Premier. Once the Premier arrived, our students interacted amazingly – a very proud Principal moment!
During this week, we also had the Book Fair at the school. Thank you to the staff that supported the Book Fair by supervising and managing it. Families purchased over $2200 worth of books resulting in our school receiving a $550 book credit to be spent on additional library books. Thank you for your support!
Year 6 Camp
Last week our Year 6 students attended Glenhaven Park Camp. The camp was full of activities and challenges which challenged students to move out of their comfort zone. Activities included the Tower Challenge, High Ropes, the Giant Swing, and Leap of Faith, which all required students to be high above the ground to participate. Before attending camp, I spoke with students about how this camp was one where encouragement, support and giving things a go were the focus.
It was pleasing that all students gave all the activities a go, and that many children had surprised themselves by what they achieved. This camp experience will set them up for success as they move into secondary education.
A big thank you to Mr Turbill, Ms Hackett, Mr Drogemuller and Mr Willoughby.
I have recently sent out some information about school uniform. During discussions with students, some have asked, “Why have you changed the uniform, Mr Abela?”. My response to them is simple: “I haven’t really changed the uniform; I am just making sure we are wearing it correctly”. All schools and workplaces have some form of uniform the community members must wear; it creates school pride, identity and a level playing field.
There are only two changes that have occurred:
- We have moved towards a trans-seasonal uniform (combining the summer and winter uniform into one), and
- We are moving away from a traditional black school shoe to an all-black leather runner option.
Both these changes are designed to make life easier and more comfortable for our students and families.
As an enrolling parent of the school, you have agreed to support and abide by the rules and policies of the school. I am expecting the support of all families in ensuring our students are in the correct uniform. We are happy to work with families and support a transition but at the end of the day, the wearing of the correct uniform is an expectation of the school. Looking around the school, our uniform currently looks untidy and inconsistent - I am not sure anyone wants that for their child or our community.
School Improvement
On Friday 9 June our staff engaged with professional learning in writing. We are working to build consistency throughout many areas of the school. The introduction of InitiaLit and Promoting Literacy Development (PLD) have improved the reading and spelling outcomes for our students.
We are now ready to continue to progress in our literacy development, hence our focus on ‘writing’. All in-class staff will be part of the training so that, as a community, we can all support our students in writing.
Last week, construction of our junior Nature Play area began. We appear to be on track for its completion by the end of next week. We will unpack the rules and expectations with students about this space and how it is to be used, especially as it will have water and sand play. Though it is called ‘Nature Play’, it will also be used as an outdoor learning space – everything we do has a connection to learning.
Thank you for your support over the last term and a half. I walk around our campus proud of the students, staff, families and the community. Our school is moving in the right direction and our feedback from the community is positive. It is as a collaborative team that we have achieved this.
Lee Abela
On the evening of Tuesday 6 June, Carmelo, Indy S, Sophie P, Poppy M, Ignacio, Mateo and Charlie, along with their families and staff members from our school, celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation with the support of Fr Roman. This is the second of three Sacraments of Christian initiation. In Confirmation, we are reminded of our participation in the ministry and mission of Jesus and strengthened to follow Jesus more closely.
Over the next two weekends, these children will celebrate their final Sacrament of Initiation, First Holy Communion. This is when one can fully participate in the Eucharist by receiving Holy Communion. Eucharist is unique among the Sacraments as it is at the heart of our faith and is celebrated every Sunday at 10:30am in the Our Lady Queen of Peace Church.
Congratulations Carmelo, Indy S, Sophie P, Poppy M, Ignacio, Mateo, and Charlie on completing your Sacraments of Initiation. Click on the photo to view our Sacramental students.
Marissa Redden
I would like to thank each and every one of you for your ongoing support of our Breakfast Club Program. It has been a huge success!
We are seeing so many students fill up on all the healthy options on offer. Whether it is their first breakfast, or their second, we love seeing their happy faces in the mornings and it has been wonderful watching the confidence of many grow as they navigate preparing their own breakfast.
Foodbank SA generously provide us with all the food we use, and we are excited to share that we will soon be launching a new program to provide lunch options for students. This fabulous opportunity is in conjunction with Foodbank and their School Program. More information to follow.
A reminder – Breakfast Club runs:
- Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8.30am until the bell for morning gathering sounds.
Carers and siblings are very welcome to come and say "Hi!".
Tina Napier
Wellbeing Leader
In our previous newsletter, we shared information with our community regarding changes the City of Charles Sturt would be making to street parking around our school.
Please note that these changes have come into effect as of FRIDAY 9 JUNE 2023.
These changes affect street parking around the school, including the Kiss and Drop Zones in Botting and Selth Streets.
A photograph of the new parking control signs in Botting and Selth Streets appears in this article, and can be enlarged.
Please be aware that these changes were initiated and implemented by the City of Charles Sturt and that parking officers may be patrolling around the school to ensure adherence to the new controls.
On Tuesday 30 May, we participated in Children’s Ground ‘Wear it Yellow’ day.
Children’s Ground is a First Nations not-for-profit organisation changing the future for First Nations children, families and communities. They are led by First Nations communities across Central Australia and the Top End.
We began our day with Community Prayer, led by 5/6T, on the theme of Reconciliation. Classes then engaged in Reconciliation activities and discussions.
As a school community, we raised $141.60.
Thank you to the students and families who showed their support; our donation will enable these First Nations communities to become places of safety, hope and opportunity.
Marissa Redden

Child protection
Each year, as a school, we teach children about Child Protection. This is done through the Keeping Safe Curriculum. Please feel welcome to contact the school if you have any questions regarding this.
In addition to this, our school also follows the 'Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy'. Click HERE or on the document image to access this information.

SALA Exhibition – ‘Art from the Heart’
I am very excited to share that our school will be part of the SALA Festival 2023.
What is SALA?
SALA stands for South Australian Living Artists and is a state-wide showcase and celebration of South Australia’s living visual artists. The festival was established in 1998 to promote and celebrate the many talented visual artists in South Australia.
It culminates in Australia’s largest and most inclusive visual arts festival, which takes place in galleries and non-traditional arts spaces across South Australia annually, during the entire month of August.
Each year, SALA takes the work of around 8,000 emerging, mid-career and established South Australian artists to more than 500 venues across the state (from sheds, cafés, offices and retail spaces to wineries, schools, public spaces, galleries and major arts institutions) to reach local and international audiences of more than 850,000 people, and many more online.
Our exhibition, ‘Art from the Heart’, will be at the Civic (Woodville) Library and will be on display throughout August and will showcase artworks created by students from Reception to Year 6. It is a wonderful opportunity for our students to see their art works exhibited in a public space in their local community.
We will be having an official exhibition opening for student artists and their families to attend; there will be more information about this closer to the date.
Art Room Creations:
It has been a hub of activity in the Art Room as students explore a variety of techniques and materials. The senior students have been learning about colour mixing and applying this knowledge to create some stunning landscape paintings.
- Reception students have been creating some wonderful mixed media artworks inspired by the artist Monet. The Year 2s are also currently working on some vibrant mixed media artworks themed ‘Monsters in the City!’.
- The Year 1s have just completed a unit on experimental painting techniques and had a go at painting with their breath!
- Currently the Year 3/4s are learning about embossing foil and are making some beautiful, bejewelled insects.
Here are some photos of the classes creating, using Chinese and Japanese blossom paintings as their inspiration.
Suzanne Healey
Visual Art teacher

In Reception, we have been learning History!
We have been exploring past and present and the differences between them.
For this lesson we observed photos showing everyday objects and sorted them based on if we used the objects in the past or if we use them in the present. We also reflected upon why technology has changed so much over time.
James Cummings
Reception C teacher

Our Lady Queen of Peace is committed to improving writing outcomes across the school. As a staff, we wanted to develop a consistent approach and process of teaching writing throughout the school.
On Friday 9 June, all teaching and support staff engaged in a professional development day to begin our 7 step journey.
The Seven Steps to Writing Success program has been very successful in developing students’ writing skills and improving NAPLAN writing scores in a number of schools nationwide and focuses on the craft of writing by breaking these skills into manageable "chunks".
What is the Seven Steps Program?
The Seven Steps to Writing Success program was created by Australian author and teacher, Jen McVeity in 2004. Her Seven Steps to Writing Success program has proved to rapidly improve students’ writing skills and get students engaged in writing. The program is being successfully used in hundreds of schools, both in Australia and the USA.
Pedagogy behind the Seven Steps to Writing Success Framework
The Seven Steps to Writing Success program is underpinned by the principle of chunking writing into discrete, teachable elements of which students attain mastery through repetition. Emphasis is given to the importance of talking, brainstorming and planning before writing and the program encourages group and paired activities. (Jen McVeity, 2015).
The program is based on the following pedagogical principles:
- Chunk learning (… “for any learning activity to be effective it has to be taught step by step”, John Fleming)
- Repetition and practice reinforces learning (… “we have to process new material in order to transfer it from our working memory to our long-term memory”)
- Brainstorm first – write second (…the prewriting stage involves brainstorming, planning and organising)
- Verbal is Vital (…verbal language is critical for the development of literacy skills; it develops engaged, responsive and reciprocal learning relationships with children; all the research shows students learn better when they are active participants, not just passively listening)
- Consistency creates change (… change can’t happen in a day, but by being consistent, change can happen in a term, Jen McVeity)
The Seven Steps to Writing Success are:
- Plan for Success
- Sizzling Starts
- Tightening Tension
- Dynamic Dialogue
- Show, Don’t Tell
- Ban the Boring
- Exciting Endings
Adriana Pilla
Leader of Learning - Literacy
Marine Discovery Centre Visit
On Thursday 25 May, the Year 1 students visited the Marine Discovery Centre at Henley Beach with the aim of empowering the students to actively protect South Australia’s iconic coastal and marine environments.
The Marine Discovery Centre is the only coastal and marine educational facility for school students and the broader community in South Australia. They have been welcoming children to their centre through inspirational and interactive discovery since 1997.
The Marine Discovery Centre featured interactive learning stations covering topics such as:
- sustainable fishing,
- applying sustainable practices at home,
- Aboriginal culture, and
- the importance of preserving our unique marine environments.
The aquariums featured local marine wildlife species for the children to learn about. We were also fortunate enough to attend the beachside marine trail where the children become 'Coastal Warriors', actively working together to care for the coastline. This provided great linkage to our learning in our Geography lessons.
The children will now use their new knowledge and apply it to classroom activities. The experience had positive impacts on our students and the future protection of our coastline.
Adriana Pilla
Year 1 PW teacher

Come and join the fun!
- Playgroup is on Wednesdays 9-10.30am.
- Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9-12pm for children 3-5yrs.
For more information, please access the flyers regarding Playgroup and Occasional Care from the Useful Links section at the beginning of this newsletter.
More questions?
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Rachael - rstathis@olqp.catholic.edu.au
Rachael Stathis
Occasional Care and Playgroup Coordinator

Current opening times:
- 8.40am – 9am
- 2.45pm – 3.10pm
The second-hand uniform shop service, facilitated by a dedicated group of parents, supports the community to access quality and affordable second-hand uniforms for their children.
Now located in the P & F Room (near the girls' toilets, adjacent the basketball courts).
Call 8279 8800 if you require more information, or alternatively, you can email the P & F Committe using this email: PNF@olqp.catholic.edu.au.
Louisa Scopacasa
Second-hand Uniform Shop Coordinator
P & F Committee
New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director
Catholic School Parents South Australia is pleased to present:
A Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and its impact on your family
Presented by renowned South Australian educator, counsellor, author and public speaker, Mark Le Messurier. He works in private practice as a mentor to children, adolescents and as a coach to parents.
Mark Le Messurier has devoted his life to improving the self-worth, wellbeing, mental health and life outcomes of young people. He focuses on who he calls the ‘tough kids’ – those who are struggling in some capacity. This includes children with disabilities, global developmental delays, disadvantage, disorders, neglect, or a combination of issues.
In this workshop you will learn some facts about autism, but this is not the primary goal. The workshop will explore:
- How does that diagnosis feel?
- What does it mean? and
- How do parents go about achieving connected and respectful behaviours in their children?
This will be a poignant workshop for teachers, parents, and carers.
The event is available online or in person.
Important details:
- When: 6:30pm - 8pm, Tuesday 4 July 2023
- Location: St John the Baptist Catholic School, 342 Anzac Highway, Plympton
- Cost: Free
Register via the link below:

Children’s oral health is important. Unfortunately, dental decay is still a significant problem for many South Australian children. Dental decay can affect a child’s wellbeing and quality of life. It can lead to pain and many lost hours at school – however it is also a preventable disease.
All children from 0-18 are welcome to attend SA Dental and there are no out-of-pocket costs for most families. However, current data reflects only 45% of eligible children are accessing dental care and many families are unaware that SA Dental is available to them.
To request an appointment, visit the link below or click HERE.
Together we can improve the oral health of children in our care.
Rebecca Carslake
Project Officer | Dental Therapist
Health Promotion
SA Dental | Central Adelaide Local Health Network
Website: dental.sa.gov.au

Australian Girls Choir Open Day
Look no further than the Australian Girls Choir (AGC) because we encourage, challenge and inspire girls as they learn to sing, dance and perform.
School aged girls are invited to come along to our June 2023 Open Day to try our fun and inclusive classes and learn more about being part of the AGC!
Please visit our website to register to attend our free Open Day by clicking HERE.
Please click HERE to view/download the AGC Open Day flyer.
Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Jasmine Cruickshank
General Manager - Public Relations and Marketing
Australian School of Performing Arts
Email: agcinfo@aspagroup.com.au
Web: www.aspagroup.com.au
Baseball / T-Ball for Boys and Girls
Is your child interested in playing t-ball or learning to play baseball?
Click on the pictured flyer to download and access more details.
For further information contact:
Megan Oliver
Junior Director
Phone: 0400 447 837
Email: megjoliver73@gmail.com