Term 2 Week 3 2023 Newsletter
- Useful Links
- From the Principal
- From the APRIM
- From the Wellbeing Leader
- Parking Control Changes around OLQP ...
- Class update - RE Skoumbros
- Early Years Mathematics Gallery
- Book Fair here @ OLQP!
- Class update - 1 PW
- 1 PW Interaction Skills Gallery
- National Simultaneous Storytime Event
- Class update 3/4 M
- 3/4 M Zones of Regulation Gallery
- Wakakirri 2023
- Wakakirri 2023 student participants
- Nature Play Belair Cubby House Excursion
- Nature Play Belair Cubby House Excursion
- Early Learning @ OLQP!
- Science Art Competition
- Parents and Friends Committee contact details
- Second-hand uniform shop
- Before & After School Care
- Resilience Seminar
- Tae Kwon Do

Term 2 Week 3 2023 Newsletter
Download any of the following documents by clicking on the link.
School Term Calendar
Playgroup & Occasional Care
- Occasional Care flyer
- Playgroup flyer
- Playgroup session outline - Term 2, 2023
- Playgroup Term 2, 2023 outline
Parents & Friends Committee
- Email: PNF@olpq.catholic.edu.au
Second-hand Uniform Shop
What an exciting start to Term 2 it has been!
School Improvement - Courts
During the holidays the school courts were resurfaced. Though it has taken a little longer than planned due to wet weather, the courts are now available for use! We have an amazing school community and I have been overwhelmed by the number of students who came and said "Thank you!" for the courts resurfacing. Their vocal appreciation was a surprising but most enjoyable experience.
Most of the courts have a foam matting (made of recycled tennis balls) under the surface. This surface is kinder to children’s ankles and knees as well as softer if children are to fall. The down side to the courts is that we cannot drive on the courts or ride bikes, scooters etc. I am sure you would agree, the pros far outweigh the cons.
School Improvement – Pinboards
Though it might sound trivial, we have had the pinboards replaced throughout the school. The replacement of the multi coloured pinboards with a more neutral tone will have a great impact as it reduces the visual clutter/distraction effect it has on student learning and flips it to a more calming environment. The neutral colour also allows student work on display to “pop” rather than it being disguised by bright colours. Having a consistent look and approach through the school highlights that this is a whole school approach, with children being at the centre of our thinking.
School Improvement – Term 2 Projects
The poles on Botting Street have been installed in preparation for the sun sails, which should be no more than a couple of weeks away. This will transform the outdoor area, creating an outdoor learning space for the Year 5/6 students. I am looking forward to the furniture and area being used.
On Monday 29 May 2023, construction of the junior Nature Play area will begin. This should only be a three week project which will include a learning/gathering space, sand and water play, balancing beams and logs, a flat spiderweb and a gardening area. Once this project is completed, construction of the major Nature Play space will begin. This possibly will take 6-8 weeks to complete.
Designs of the Nature Play spaces will be on display on the front office window, as well as on the windows of the P & F Room.
School Improvement – Learning
It is important to know that we are constantly looking for school improvements to occur, educationally as well as our physical environment. As a staff we have been working on:
- Assessment
- Ensuring we are catering for all students – closing gaps and extension
- Using data to inform student learning
- Years 3-6 Numeracy
- Writing R-6 (Student Free Day, Week 6, Friday 9 June 2023)
I recently had a conversation with a Reception parent about her child’s learning. At the start of the year, their child’s InitiaLit screener result was at 4% - at the review that took place at the end of the term, the child scored 84%. I'm sure you would agree that this is significant growth. This is one of many examples of student growth in their learning.
I do not believe that anyone could question our sense of community and the work of our Parents and Friends. The recent Mother’s Day celebrations – gift stall and breakfast – were great examples of this. I regularly think about how much I enjoy being the Principal of Our Lady Queen of Peace School. After the Mother's Day breakfast, I said to Diana, our Finance Officer, "Some days I just really love this school”, and Friday was one of those days.
You may not be aware but Jeanette Barge is in Japan, on long service leave, visiting family. I recently heard from her and she is overjoyed to be spending time with her family again. However, through some soul searching, Jeanette has decided to resign from her position at Our Lady Queen of Peace School. She will not be returning as a staff member after she returns to Australia.
In addition to this news, James Lowe, who also recently accessed some long service leave, has decided to resign from his position. Both Jeanette and James have contributed significantly to the school over a number of years. We will find a time to farewell them both in the near future, and thank them for their many contributions over the years.
A reminder that we have a student free day on Friday 9 June 2023.
Take care.
Lee Abela
Week 3 of Term 2 was Catholic Education Week and celebrated in Catholic schools throughout South Australia, with the theme this year being: Raising Hearts and Minds with God for Social Justice.
We continue to be inspired each day by Catherine McAuley and the Mercy sisters, who supported people in need of God’s compassion and mercy.
Jesus' teaching reminds everyone that God questions us regarding what we are doing to help the poor and needy: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)
- How do we raise our Hearts and Minds to the needs of others?
- How can we Raise our Hearts and Minds to the needs in our community?
- How can we Raise our Hearts and Minds to the needs in the world?
This week has given us an opportunity to reflect on and share all the things that we love about Our Lady Queen of Peace and what makes our community special.
Welcome to Father Roman
On Wednesday 17 May 2023 we welcomed Fr Roman, our new parish preist, who visited us for a school tour. It was wonderful to see the warm welcome tha students gave him as we went around to each class. We look forward to working with Fr Roman.
Sacramental Program
The 2022-23 Sacramental program students will be celebrating Confirmation and Holy Communion this term. The group have been busy preparing for their sacraments and will be celebrating Confirmation at 7pm on Tuesday 6 June 2023 in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Pennington.
Marissa Redden
Anger is a very normal emotion, and it is very common for children to be angry and express themselves in ways that they need your help to change.
Some tips to help children express anger in healthy ways:
- Describe the feeling ‘Anger’ and normalise the emotion by assuring them everyone gets angry, and it is okay to feel angry;
- Discuss how they might behave differently when they are feeling angry. What does angry look like for your child?
- Let them know, kindly, that even though it is normal to feel angry from time to time, it is never okay to be mean, break things, hurt others or yourself.
- Learning to control anger is about learning new ways to act when you are upset.
Below is a sample list of things you can suggest children do when they feel angry.
- Take deep breaths
- Draw a picture of your anger
- Do star jumps
- Write about your anger
- Count to 100
- Walk away
- Talk to someone
- Play with a fidget toy
- Play outside
- Listen to music
Children can choose the ones they feel might work for them. You could even create a toolbox for them to refer back to.
Please get in touch if you would like more information on working with and guiding anger with your children.
Tina Napier
Wellbeing Leader

Important Parking Control Changes around OLQP
Recently, Principal Lee Abela met with parking coordinators from the City of Charles Sturt regarding the council's proposed changes to parking controls around our school.
The council has now made arrangements for the street parking signs to be changed and have scheduled this change to be undertaken on the next pupil free day on Friday 9 June 2023.
A plan detailing the new sign installations appears in this article. Please click on the plan image to view an enlarged version so that you are fully aware of how changes to parking around our school affect you and your family.
A printed plan can also be found on the P & F Room window as well as the front office window by the class boxes.
More information regarding the City of Charles Sturt's comprehensive traffic management and parking scheme in the streets surrounding schools in their council area can be found by clicking HERE.
Early Years Mathematics
As part of our Mathematics studies, RS explored the light blue Key Capability: Literate, Numerate and Effective Communicators.
We have been learning about addition and subtraction in Mathematics. Students have been using strategies to problem solve in addition and subtraction, such as using fingers to count and building with cubes to work out the answer.
Throughout the topic, we thought about:
- Using a range of methods to solve problems.
- Noticing and wondering about mathematical problems.
- Using mathematical language to express ideas.
In an activity, students used unifix cubes to display their understanding of addition and subtraction stories. Students were engaged as a whole class, which assisted with independent work afterwards. We even had a go at challenging ourselves with using double digit numbers!
We have been enjoying addition and subtraction so far!
Katerina Skoumbros
Reception S teacher

Reading for pleasure unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are. Here is what you can do to help children develop stronger reading skills and a love for reading:
- Set the example - let children see you read.
- Have a collection of books in your home and update this collection routinely to keep up with changing tastes and reading skills.
- Support our school’s Book Fair and allow your children to choose their own books to read.
Book Fair Event 2023
OLQP will be holding an annual Book Fair this term. It will be a fun reading event that brings the books kids want to read into our school. There will be a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Prices range from $6 to $20. Please make plans to visit our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child’s reading habits.
Important Book Fair Details
- Book Fair dates: 18 - 25 May 2023
- Shopping hours: Before school (8:30am to 8:50am) & after school (3:05pm to 3:35pm)
- Location: Food Technology area
We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair! Remember, all purchases benefit our school.
Adriana Pilla
Leader of Learning - Literacy
This term children are developing their interaction skills. This includes turn-taking, speaking clearly, using active listening behaviours and responding to the contributions of others.
To support this learning, children have been assigned a day to present in front of their peers each fortnight. The children are asked to prepare a talk on a particular topic and some of the topics this term include:
- Mother’s Day
Tell us about your mum. What are her favourite things? Why is she the best? - Money
If you were given $100, what would you do with it?
Photographs of children presenting their topic talks appear in the gallery following this article.
Sarah Willetts
Year 1 teacher

National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. Now in its 23rd successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy.
By facilitating NSS at OLQP we aim to:
- promote the value of reading and literacy;
- promote the fun of books;
- promote an Australian writer and publisher;
- promote storytime activities;
- provide opportunities to involve parents, grandparents, the media and others to participate in and enjoy the occasion.
NSS receives positive media coverage and generates a great deal of community interest. 2022 was the biggest and most successful NSS to date with over 2.18 million participants at over 59 thousand locations!
Important details about NSS 2023
This year NSS takes place on Wednesday 24 May 2023 at 11:00am and we would love it if you could join us!
We will also welcome a very special guest, The Hon Peter Malinauskas MP, Premier of South Australia.
We are looking forward to a fun event to celebrate reading!
Adriana Pilla
Leader of Learning - Literacy
Zones of Regulation
As a whole school, we are learning the Zones of Regulation.
The Zones is a systematic approach to teach children how to regulate and provide them with suitable tools to stay ready to learn (green zone). There is no right or wrong zone and we experience a range of zones during our whole school day.
We are currently building our Zones toolkits. These are personalised toolkits that enable children to identify strategies that best suit them. Finding strategies that work for us takes time, trial, and error! Every child can identify at least 2 strategies that are successful for them.
Our class is enjoying learning about the Zones of Regulation, and it flows into all of our subject areas at any time of the day. We have a visual zones chart to help us identify what zone we are in, check in with an adult and discuss if we are ready to learn, almost ready or need a quick break.
Olivia Mammone
Year 3/4 teacher

Our Lady Queen of Peace School is participating in the Wakakirri for the first time in 2023!
What is Wakakirri?
The Wakakirri Story-Dance Festival is a national program that helps schools develop student engagement and wellbeing through participation in the performing arts. The Aboriginal word Wakakirri means ‘to dance’. It was chosen to give the festival a uniquely Australian feel.
Created in 1992, Wakakirri is Australia’s largest national performing arts event for schools. A Wakakirri Story-Dance is a 3–7 minute performance by a group of students who theatrically tell a story using a combination of dancing, creative movement and acting to pre-recorded music.
Primary schools can tell any story and use any combination of:
- dance,
- creative movement,
- acting,
- music,
- props,
- costumes,
- sets, and
- film projections.
The aims of Wakakirri are:
- To create opportunities for student voice and expression.
- To build social and emotional wellbeing.
- To enhance connection and belonging.
Schools’ performances are inspired by the Wakakirri ethos ‘great stories inspire change’. Environmental, social, cultural, health, historical & reconciliation stories are all popular themes.
The following students have signed up to being part of the OLQP Wakakirri Story-Dance Squad. And we wish them great success in all upcoming rehearsals.
Click on the image below to enlarge.
Our 2023 story-dance information
Our story-dance is titled, "Video Game Killed the Radio Star"
- Item description: What happens when life suddenly becomes a game? Inspired by a popular dance video game, watch how friends overcome obstacles and work together to showcase choreography reminiscent of classic eras in music.
- Item theme: Entertainment
- Key message: Life is not a competition, helping others helps yourself.
- Story Breakdown:
Friends arrive home eager to play their favourite video game.
Both friends are suddenly sucked into the game!
They then have to dance to different styles of music to win.
One friend is not getting enough points in the game.
The other friend suggested banding together to pass the levels.
They both pass and return home, better friends than before.
We need your help!
We are seeking support from the OLQP school community.
If you have any old costumes that could be donated, or artistic skills in making sets and props, stage lighting experience or if you would like to offer support with supervision during rehearsals or at the performance, please contact Adriana Pilla or Natalie Urdanoff, our Wakakirri School Coordinators.
Adriana Pilla and Natalie Urdanoff
Wakakirri School Coordinators

Nature’s classroom came to life for our Year 1 and 2 students during their visit to Belair National Park.
As part of their ‘Earths Resources’ unit of Inquiry, our young scientists embarked on an exciting excursion, where they had to work through a series of team challenges using natural, open-ended resources to design, problem solve and build their cubby creations.
Together they shared their lunches within their cubbies, basking in their success.
The verdict of our STEM adventure? "The Best Excursion Ever!".
View images from our amazing adventure in the gallery following this article.
Tamara Brooker
STEM / Science teacher

Come and join the fun!
- Playgroup is on Wednesdays 9-10.30am.
- Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9-12pm for children 3-5yrs.
For more information, please access the flyers regarding Playgroup and Occasional Care from the Useful Links section at the beginning of this newsletter.
More questions?
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Rachael - rstathis@olqp.catholic.edu.au
Rachael Stathis
Occasional Care and Playgroup Coordinator

Mary Anning Art Prize - SA Science Teachers Association
Important Date
Submissions close - 10 July 2023
Entry categories:
- Reception to Year 2
- Year 3 to Year 5
- Year 6 to Year 8
1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded in each year group category.
Please come and speak with me if you are interested in submitting an entry!
Tamara Brooker
STEM / Science teacher

Current opening times
- 8.40am – 9am
- 2.45pm – 3.10pm
The second-hand uniform shop service, facilitated by a dedicated group of parents, supports the community to access quality and affordable second-hand uniforms for their children.
Now located in the P & F Room (near the girls' toilets, adjacent the basketball courts).
Call 8279 8800 if you require more information, or alternatively, you can email the P & F Committe using this email: PNF@olqp.catholic.edu.au.
Louisa Scopacasa
Second-hand Uniform Shop Coordinator
P & F Committee
New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director

Parent Engagement Evening
Resilience with Dr Gill Hicks AM MBE
Hosted by Catholic School Parents SA
A raw conversation with Gill Hicks on her personal story of strength, gratitude and how it relates to families.
Seminar details
- Time and date: 6:30pm to 8pm, Tuesday 30 May 2023
- Venue: Loreto College Performing Arts Centre, 316 Portrush Road, Marryatville
Gill Hicks is globally known as a survivor of the London terrorist bombings on 7 July 2005. She survived but suffered severe and permanent injuries, losing both legs from just below the knee.
Gill is a published author, musician, award winning artist and performer. Gill's appreciation and gratitude for life is present throughout all her creative works.
Catholic School Parents South Australia has the privilege of presenting an inspiring evening with Dr Gill Hicks AM MBE.
Attendees will leave the event feeling empowered, inspired and grateful to continue to their parenting and education journey.
How to register
Catholic school families can register (at no cost) via the following link:
