Term 2 Week 10 2023 Newsletter
- Useful Links
- From the Principal
- From the APRIM
- Class 2U Liturgy Gallery
- From the Wellbeing Leader
- Book Week: 19 - 25 August 2023
- Specialist update - Music
- Music Update
- Class update - 5/6 T
- Class update - 5/6 T gallery
- Specialist update - PE
- Sporting achievements gallery
- Early Learning @ OLQP!
- Parents and Friends Committee contact details
- Second-hand uniform shop
- Before & After School Care
- Taekwondo
- Woodville District Baseball Club
- Woodville Warriors Basketball Club
- Tennis Clinic - July Holidays

Term 2 Week 10 2023 Newsletter
Download any of the following documents by clicking on the link.
Playgroup & Occasional Care
Parents & Friends Committee
- Email: PNF@olpq.catholic.edu.au
Second-hand Uniform Shop
I am sure that most people have noticed, when they see me walk around the school, how proud I am to be the principal of Our Lady Queen of Peace School, and how much I love the school and the community.
Mid year enrolment family
Recently, I took a mid year Reception family, whom I originally met last year, on another tour of the school. They asked if my plan of moving the classes around as discussed during the original visit had occurred.
They were pleased to hear and see that this had indeed occurred and were able to see my original vision for the Early Years precinct come to life. We both agreed that this change was imperative. As we moved through the rest of the school, they were impressed with how much has been achieved in such a short time.
I regularly attend Sunday Mass at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church. After Mass a couple of weeks ago, a man approached me and asked if I was the new principal of the school. Proudly, I said, "Yes!". He told me that his children attended the school but remembers that at the time the school had many children leave.
He continued to say that he had noticed the school improvements and heard good things about the school.
CESA Consultant – Safeguarding and Child Protection
I was contacted by a Catholic Education SA (CESA) representative for a tour of the school, and to have a conversation regarding the structures we have in place for child protection. I proudly spoke about the changes that have occurred in the school and then engaged in conversation about our child protection systems. The CESA representative spoke highly of the systems we have in place and our commitment to child protection.
Thank you to the Parents and Friends Committee for coordinating and delivering a great disco evening for our students. Events like these do not happen without the help of many people. The feedback from students was positive.
This event was also well supported by the staff of the school. It was great to see many teaching and support staff at the disco. Just in case you haven’t heard or seen, the staff cut the floor again with a dance! The disco was a great example of community and partnership.
School Improvement
Nature Play
The Nature Play area in the Early Years precinct is near completion. I am hoping to take classes for a walk through before the end of the term. It will be an exciting addition to this area and the school. It is important to understand that although it is called Nature Play, it will be filled with learning opportunities.
A common question I have been asked is, “Who is allowed to play on it?” My vision is that the Nature Play in the Early Years precinct is mainly for Early Years (R-2) students. Older students are welcome to share this space but their focus will be on helping younger children rather than dominating the play space. With my strong beliefs on community, I am reluctant to implement limited access to spaces in the school.
Construction of our larger Nature Play facility (replacing our current playground) is due to start in late August.
We say goodbye to Chevelle Prokop who has been providing educational support across the school. Chevelle is studying to be a teacher and will be on placement in Term 3. I thank her for her commitment to supporting our students and being a part of our community.
I wish you a happy and safe term break. Term 3 begins on Monday 24 July. I look forward to seeing our mid year enrolment class “officially” begin their journey at Our Lady Queen of Peace School, and can't wait to see the joy, excitement and learning that our new Nature Play area will bring.
Lee Abela

On Thursday 29 June, we gathered for a whole school liturgy facilitated by Ms Urdanoff’s Year 2 class. It was wonderful to gather in the church as a whole school community. The liturgy celebrated the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, the Apostles. Saint Peter is our leader in faith and Saint Paul preached to all the nations.
The liturgy opened with Michael Mangan’s song, Hearts on Fire, and concluded with The Rend Collective’s, My Lighthouse. It was wonderful to see the church alive with staff, students and families joining in and singing.
I hope that everyone has an opportunity to rest and recharge their batteries before we start the second half of the year. I wish all parents, students and staff a relaxing and healthy two weeks of school holidays.
End of term prayer
We thank you Lord, for this term.
For the challenges, the successes,
and the mistakes from which we have learnt.
Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends.
Give us strength and courage to do what is right;
to be witnesses of our faith.
Help us to be a practical Christian these holidays,
to appreciate what others do for us,
to give time and effort to help others,
to be peacemakers in our family. Keep us safe in our activities;
give us good rest and good fun.
Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term.
We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents
and a community that cares for us.
May we always be conscious of you in our lives.
Marissa Redden

Part of my role as Wellbeing Leader is to connect our families with services in the community. If you or someone you know might benefit from extra support and/or information around parenting, mental health, financial assistance, or relationships, please get in contact with Lee, myself or your child’s teacher.
Please also feel free to share with me any service or activity that you have been involved with or heard positive feedback about and I will add it to my list of information to share.
The flyer for a parenting course called Circle of Security for Parents (COSP) appears in this article. COSP is delivered to a group of parents and has a focus on attachment. If you would like more information please get in touch or contact the service provider directly. This one is focused on fathers, but they will release another one for all parents soon.
Click HERE or on the image of the flyer to enlarge/download and access more information.
Tina Napier
Wellbeing Leader

Greetings, bookworms and literature enthusiasts! We are thrilled to announce the upcoming OLQP Book Week 2023. It is a highly anticipated event that celebrates the magic of books and encourages a lifelong love for reading. Set your calendars and get ready to embark on a literary journey like no other.
What is Book Week 2023?
Every year, the Children's Book Council of Australia holds a book week across Australia to promote the importance of reading and the joy that children can find in it. Schools, libraries, booksellers, authors, illustrators, and children come together to celebrate Australian literature in a whole host of events and parades, with the week culminating with the Book of the Year Awards.
Book Week was first introduced in 1945. Each year, Book Week has a particular theme that the entire week will be focused on. At the end of the week, the Book of the Year Awards take place! This is a fantastic event that aims to celebrate and promote the amazing quality of the literature released. Books are shortlisted in various categories, which include:
- Older Readers
- Younger Readers
- Early Childhood
- Best Picture Book
- The Eve Pownall Award
- The Award for New Illustrator
When is Book Week 2023?
Book Week will be held 19-25 August, Week 5 of Term 3. The 2023 Book Week theme is: 'Read, Grow, Inspire.'
The importance of Book Week
Anything that furthers children’s ability to read and find a passion for it is, of course, an important cause. This is what Book Week is all about, with the primary aim of the event being to share great works of children’s literature and spark a love of reading that will stay with young people for life. We all know how important reading is for children’s cognitive and emotional development. It equips them with vital literacy skills and widens the scope of their imagination.
Book Week gives children, teachers, parents, and guardians an excuse to dive into the world of children’s books together. By creating an annual event out of reading that everyone looks forwards to, children are likely to look back with fond memories and continue reading as a hobby later on in life.
Read, Grow, Inspire
The theme of "Read, Grow, Inspire" is focused on how literature has the capacity to develop a child's inner world and how it can plant the seed of inspiration for them to express their own creativity. In this manner, children are almost like plants and literature is the sun, the soil, and the water. With good literature, students can grow and flourish. This not only celebrates the wonderful relationship between children and books but also honours the authors and the role they play in a child's development.
Book Week at OLQP
Book Week is celebrated in many different ways all across the country. Within our school and library, you will be able to see eye-catching book-themed displays and activities about the books children will read. Activities may include staging a small role play, undertaking a scavenger hunt using picture books, drawing a favourite character, designing a book cover, participating in our annual Book Week costume parade and more. We look forward to having as much parent participation in our festivities as possible. Stay tuned for what's to come, as more information will come out about our Book Week festivities!
This year, Book Week 2023 promises a celebration of literature that will captivate and inspire readers of all ages. Whether you're a lifelong bookworm or simply someone who appreciates the power of words, this event is for you. Mark your calendars, and spread the word about OLQP Book Week 2023!
Adriana Pilla
Leader of Learning - Literacy
Book Week Coordinator
In Music this term, students have been finding different ways to explore the elements of music.
- Reception students have been introduced to a range of untuned percussion instruments and have been learning about musical concepts such as loud and soft, fast and slow and high and low.
- Year 1 students have been learning how to sing songs and accompany themselves on the ukuleles, and as well as learning about pitch through a range of games.
- The Year 2 students have spent the term learning how to play the ocarina!
- The Year 3/4 students have been rehearsing and performing ukulele music in groups.
- Year 5/6 students have continued their learning about musical notation. They have also had a chance to compose music using the electronic composition tool, Jummbox.
Many students are learning musical instruments this year, thanks to the dedication of our wonderful music tutors. Thank you very much to Julie, Ken, Imogen, Brock, Carlie, Georgie and William for the great progress they have made with our students so far!
The “Come and Try” brass and woodwind program has continued over the term after a successful run last year. Students in Years 3-6 may participate in learning the following instruments for a semester: clarinet, flute, saxophone, trumpet and trombone. From next term, these students will combine to play in a band together to share their new skills.
The Festival choir has had a very successful start to the year, with a fantastic showing at their recent “Hub Assessment” excursion – they had to demonstrate proficiency in singing all of the songs in their choir books, which they did well!
The School Band is steadily working towards a performance evening next term – watch this space for dates!
Finally, the Ukulele Club is back to rehearsing on Fridays at lunch times. In this club, students have a chance to consolidate what they learn in the classroom and improve on their playing technique.
Andrew Heuzenroeder
Music teacher

The 2023 Year 6 students had their three day camp at the Glenhaven Park campsite. The camp was certainly a highly enjoyable and rewarding experience, where everyone involved had a wonderful time, with lots of fun and excitement.
What was most impressive was how well the students supported each other through some pretty challenging activities, (climbing a 10m pole and then jumping through the air to reach a swing is not everyone’s cup of tea!). The students, however, did a fantastic job of encouraging each other, while also creating a fun and supportive environment where everyone felt safe and comfortable.
A big thank you to parent Adam W for giving up his time to help out for the three days, Ben and Sue for being amazing the whole time, and of course, Helen, for driving the bus.
Student reflections
- Camp was the best three days of my life. The food, the staff and all the activities were amazing, but my favourite was the Giant Swing. It was 12.5m in the air!! I gained friendships with a lot of people, and everyone was so supportive and inclusive. Amy
- Camp was three most emotional days of my life. My favourite activity was the Tower Challenge, it was so fun, exciting, insane and everyone was very supportive. The obvious best part was the food, thanks to the chefs! Savanna
- Camp was one of the best experiences in my life. The best bit by far was having a big sleepover with all my friends. We got to go for a beautiful hike down along the River Light, and of course I couldn’t forget the longest ever Uno game. This was definitely a great memory. Miles
- Camp was the best event ever in my life. The food was like a 5-star restaurant from Gordon Ramsey and the activities were exciting and intense. My favourite was archery because we had a fun challenge against the different teams. I will never forget my time at camp. Dylan
- Camp was an experience to say the least, but it was a really good one! The food was amazing, and outside of sleeping, every minute was a blast. There was the longest Uno game ever, a bunch of laughs, and to go along with that there were the exhilarating camp challenges. Another cool thing was that lots of people overcame fears and pushed their limits, so I am very grateful for the opportunity. Archie
Leigh Turbill
Year 5/6 teacher

Importance of an active lifestyle
As a parent, you want the best for your child. One of the best things you can do for them is to encourage an active lifestyle. There are countless benefits to physical activity, and it's never too early (or late) to start.
Regular physical activity is vital for children's physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children and adolescents need at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily. Here are some great reasons why:
- Improved physical health: Regular physical activity can help children maintain a healthy weight, build strong bones and muscles, improve coordination and balance, and enhance respiratory and cardiovascular health.
- Better mental health: Exercise has been linked to improved mood, reduced anxiety and depression, and better stress tolerance.
- Increased academic performance: Multiple studies have shown that children who have physical activity integrated into their daily routine perform better academically.
- Social benefits: Physical activity can help children develop social skills, form lasting friendships, and become more confident in themselves.
- Instilling healthy habits: By encouraging your children to maintain an active lifestyle, you are setting the stage for a lifetime of good habits.
So, what can you do to promote physical activity in your child's life? Start small. Encourage your child to engage in activities they enjoy, whether it's joining a sports team or simply taking a daily walk with you. Keep it fun and make it a family affair.
Port District SAPSASA Representatives
Congratulations to the following students who were recently selected for Port District SAPSASA representative teams this term! Your hard work, dedication, and talent has been acknowledged, and you should be incredibly proud of your achievements.
- Sophie - Cross country
- Jay and Archie - Football (AFL)
- Leila - Netball
3/4 netball team
Semester 1 Thursday Division 1 Winners
A huge congratulations to the 3/4 netball team, led by the exceptional coaching of Michelle P, on their victory in the Thursday Division 1 Netball competition at St Clair Recreation Centre for Semester 1! Your hard work, determination, and team camaraderie is an asset and this is a great achievement. In recognition, the girls will be presented with medallions at our school assembly on the last day of term.
Matthew Annetta
PE teacher
Click on the images to view and enlarge.

Come and join the fun!
- Playgroup is on Wednesdays 9-10.30am.
- Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9-12pm for children 3-5yrs.
For more information, please access the flyers regarding Playgroup and Occasional Care from the Useful Links section at the beginning of this newsletter.
More questions?
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Rachael - rstathis@olqp.catholic.edu.au
Rachael Stathis
Occasional Care and Playgroup Coordinator

Current opening times:
- 8.40am – 9am
- 2.45pm – 3.10pm
The second-hand uniform shop service, facilitated by a dedicated group of parents, supports the community to access quality and affordable second-hand uniforms for their children.
Now located in the P & F Room (near the girls' toilets, adjacent the basketball courts).
Call 8279 8800 if you require more information, or alternatively, you can email the P & F Committe using this email: PNF@olqp.catholic.edu.au.
Louisa Scopacasa
Second-hand Uniform Shop Coordinator
P & F Committee
New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director
World Taekwondo are looking to reach out to more families in the community who may be interested in joining their club and benefiting from the physical and mental benefits of taekwondo.
World Taekwondo believe that their program is a great fit for kids of all ages and abilities, and are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for members to learn and grow.
Click on the image below to enlarge and access more details.
T-Ball for boys and girls
Is your child interested in playing t-ball?
Click on the pictured flyer to enlarge/download and access more details.
The t-Ball program is FREE and open to boys and girls aged 3-12 years old.
Here is a link for parents to register: forms.gle/sAyavNB9HHCrpTNb8.
If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact Megan.
For further information contact:
Megan Oliver
Junior Director
​Woodville District Baseball Club
Phone: 0400 447 837
Email: megjoliver73@gmail.com
Woodville Warriors Basketball Club (WWBC) are undertaking trials.
Click on each image below to enlarge/download and access more information.
U10 girls, U10 boys, U16 boys, U18 boys trials
U12 boys, U14 boys, U12 girls, U14 girls, U16 girls, U18 girls trials
2nd trials (as required)
Contact the Woodville Warriors Basketball Club for more information.
Tennis Masters is running a massive HOLIDAY CLINIC coming up in July & you’ve been invited!
- Date: 10–13 July 2023
- Time: 9:30am–12pm
- Venue: 31 Robe Terrace, Medindie (5 minutes from the Adelaide CBD)
Book online
Click on the link below to book!
Busy on a few of the days? Let Tennis Masters know which days you can attend & they can book you in manually.
How to contact
- Phone: 0449 257 441
- Email: info@tennismasters.com.au