Term 1 Week 6 2024 Newsletter
- Useful Links
- From the Principal
- From the Assistant Principal Religious Identity & Mission
- From the Assistant Principal Learning, Engagement & Teaching
- Playgroup at the Playground!
- P & F Easter Lunch
- Specialist update - Sport
- SAPSASA Swimming Carnival Gallery
- Class update - 1TM
- Class update - RJC
- Class update - RJC Gallery
- Student free day
- Early Learning @ OLQP!
- Second hand uniform shop
- Before & After School Care
- Community News
- Nazareth 7-9 Open Day

Term 1 Week 6 2024 Newsletter

Download any of the following documents by clicking on the link.
Playgroup & Occasional Care
OSHC Newsletter
Parents & Friends Committee
- Email: PNF@olpq.catholic.edu.au
Second hand Uniform Shop
Term calendars

We are all learners at Our Lady Queen of Peace School. When I say this, I am not only referring to the students but also the staff. It is through learning we all continue to grow, and for the staff, through our learning, we are able to provide the very best for our students.
Student learning
Moving past the halfway point of the term, students have found their feet and have settled into their learning. Class expectations have been co-constructed and high expectations in learning have been set. Though that might sound a little daunting for some, we believe that every student is able to experience success, we meet students where they are at with their learning, and support them to grow.
I love walking through classrooms and seeing students learn but I do have a soft spot for observing lessons when students are with their specialist teachers. We are fortunate to have expert and passionate educators teaching:
- Spanish,
- Music,
- PE,
- Visual Art, and
- Science/Digital Technologies.
Having specialist teaching in these subjects means that students are extended in their learning of the content.
Staff learning
All staff have been engaged in professional learning this year. Some have participated in explicit learning, whilst others have learnt through the sharing of knowledge by other staff.
This year we have four staff engaging in a program called "Aspiring Leaders". This is an opportunity for staff to grow in their leadership journey and make an impact in their school. There are two components: Year 1 and Year 2. Olivia Mammone, Michael Mastrangelo and Courtney Elliott are engaging with the Year 1 component and Adriana Pilla is engaging with the Year 2 component.
Over the last two days, Tamara Brooker, Leigh Turbill and Michael Mastrangelo have been at a Makers Empire 3D printing workshop. This training compliments our having a 3D printer in the school, with the view of acquiring a second machine. This project will involve Year 3-6 students.
Marissa Redden is continuing her studies in her Masters of Educational Leadership. This will support her leadership journey as she continues to lead the Catholic Identity and Mission of the school.
This week both Adriana Pilla and Tanya Larsson received training in the Bond Blocks program. This will provide numeracy intervention and support to our students. This will be the first time we have structured and ongoing numeracy support in the school. We were lucky to have Helen Nicholaou test the waters for us last year with some Year 2 student participants.
There have been many learning opportunities for both students and staff this term so far. The above mentioned learnings are a small example of what has occurred. On Tuesday 12 March 2024, we have a student free day as staff are engaging in Day 2 of the Seven Steps to Writing Success workshop, where we will continue to strengthen our students writing abilities.
NAPLAN testing will again be occurring in Term 1 for students in Years 3 and 5. The testing window is open from 13–25 March 2024. These tests provide useful data for individual achievement in comparison with national results, and are a means of identifying particular needs at each year level. They are, however, only one mode of assessment in the overall learning program, and Our Lady Queen of Peace School uses a variety of assessment strategies. Last year there were some small changes to NAPLAN. The reporting language changed, and students are now identified as: ‘Exceeding’, ‘Strong’, ‘Developing’ or ‘Needs Additional Support’. This provides more clarity for parents/caregivers and schools. If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact the school.
School Development
Over the last 2 years, there has been significant upgrading of the school, all centred around student learning. In my mind, we should always be looking for school improvement. In the near future, I will be sending out a survey link to gain parents' thoughts of the needs of the school which will then support our school's Master Plan. I encourage you to be part of the conversation around school improvement. The link will be out next week via Seesaw.
Have a great extra long weekend, and I look forward to seeing students back at school on Wednesday 16 March 2024.
Lee Abela

Project Compassion
This year, Project Compassion brings us the stories of three resilient women from three different corners of the world.
They are facing vastly different challenges but are all united by one dream: to create a better tomorrow for all future generations.
Ronita from the Philippines
Ronita lives with her husband and two children in a barangay (local district) in Quezon City, which is situated in Metro Manila in the Philippines. She went back to school to finish her education so that she could earn income to support her children.
Leaia from Samoa
Not having access to a reliable source of clean water was very difficult for Leaia and her family. But, with the support of Caritas Australia, a water tank was installed at their home, improving their health and living conditions.
Meet Memory from Malawi
Memory, the eldest daughter from a rural Malawian family, trained to become a carpenter and is now a trailblazer for future generations of women in her village.
Throughout Project Compassion, students will get to know the stories of Ronita, Leaia and Memory. As a school we will journey with them as they forge a path to a brighter future for all generations.
A reminder that we continue to fundraise for Caritas Australia and Project Compassion. This year we are selling hot cross buns through the Qkr! app, $8 each for a pack of 6. Click on the flyer to view more information.
Thank you to those families who have already supported the fundraiser, it is greatly appreciated.
Marissa Redden
Assistant Principal Religious Identity & Mission

Harmony Day
We are excited to announce that this year, Our Lady Queen of Peace School will again be celebrating Harmony Week—a special occasion dedicated to embracing our rich cultural diversity and fostering a sense of unity within our school community.
Harmony Week, which will take place from 20 to 26 March 2024, is an opportunity for us to come together, appreciate our differences, and celebrate the unique cultural backgrounds that make our school so vibrant.
Throughout the week, various activities and events will be organised to promote cultural understanding, inclusivity, and the importance of harmony within our diverse community.
To view daily or weekly events, please CLICK ON THE IMAGES BELOW:
Monday - Whole School Craft Activity
Our creative classrooms will buzz with excitement as students engage in a whole school craft activity. From crafting colourful paper flowers symbolising interconnectedness, our students will showcase their artistic talents while reinforcing the importance of harmony and understanding.
Tuesday - Spanish Cooking Extravaganza
The aroma of spices will fill the air as our students embark on a culinary journey through Spain, during their Spanish lesson. The Spanish cooking extravaganza will see students explore the flavours and techniques of Spanish cuisine, fostering an appreciation for diverse tastes and traditions.
Wednesday - Passata Sauce Making Day
In anticipation of celebrating the diverse cultures of Our Lady Queen of Peace School, students are eagerly preparing for an upcoming Passata sauce making day. This upcoming hands-on experience aims to connect students with the culinary heritage of their peers, highlighting the beauty of collaboration and the sharing of traditions. Stay tuned for the flavourful journey that awaits our school community! Passata will be available for purchase after Harmony Week. More information will be sent out to families soon.
Thursday - Shared Lunch and Cultural Dress
The upcoming highlight of Harmony Week will be our shared lunch, a momentous occasion where students and staff will gather to relish a diverse array of dishes representing various cultures. Anticipate witnessing the transformation of our school courtyard into a vibrant marketplace of flavours, colours, and laughter. To enhance the festive atmosphere, students and staff are invited to dress in vibrant cultural attire, creating a visually stunning representation of our school's multicultural ethos. Moreover, many will choose to wear orange, the official colour of Harmony Day, symbolising social harmony and inclusiveness.
Friday - House Team Rotations
The day is set to culminate with a series of house team rotations. During these rotations, students will participate in team-building activities that emphasise the values of respect, cooperation, and understanding. These upcoming activities aim to reinforce the importance of unity within our school community and the broader world.
In unity and diversity,
Adriana Pilla
Assistant Principal
Learning, Engagement and Teaching

Playgroup at the Playground!
Playgroup at the Playground is on once again!
- When: 9am Wednesday 20 March 2024
- Where: Gordon Reserve, Gordon St, Hendon (just a 4 min walk from OLQP
Click HERE or on the image of the flyer below to download and access more information, including planned activities.
Please email RStathis@olqp.catholic.edu.au if you have any queries.
Rachael Stathis
Playgroup facilitator

SAPSASA Swimming Carnival
On Tuesday 6 March 2024, 6 students from Years 4-6 represented our school at the annual Port District SAPSASA Swimming Carnival at the Largs Bay Swim Centre, coming sixth out of 12 participating teams.
The students competed against other schools in freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, and breaststroke events.
Well done to Jayda D, Maya D, George C, Ignacio C, Kimball W and Indiah S. They represented our school with pride and were quite successful throughout the day placing in numerous races.
- Maya
- 10 yo girls 50m butterfly - 4th - George
- Open boys 100m freestyle - 3rd
- 12 yo boys 50m backstroke - 3rd
- 12 yo boys 50m freestyle - 3rd
- 12 yo boys 50m breaststroke - 3rd
- 12-13 yo boys mixed team relay - 2nd - Ignacio
- 11 yo boys 50m backstroke - 1st
- 11 yo boys 50 freestyle - 2nd
- 11 yo boys 50m breaststroke - 3rd - Indiah
- 10-11 yo girls mixed team relay - 1st
The team
Thanks also to parents Louisa S and Justine S who volunteered their time to help with timekeeping throughout the event.
Matthew Annetta
PE teacher / Sports Coordinator

In our Religion lessons we have been learning about the season of Lent. We learned that during Lent, some people give up things that they do not need, and some people focus on making green choices by showing others acts of kindness.
We created a kindness chain, where we wrote an act of kindness that we could do on our strip of paper, then connected them together. We have been putting our acts of kindness into action and are trying our best to spread positivity throughout the Lenten season.
Some of our acts of kindness included:
- Helping to set the dinner table, make dinner or do the dishes
- Helping to do the washing
- Helping our friends with their learning
- Saying good morning to people when we arrive at school
- Helping people who are hurt
- Making a card or picture for someone we love
What acts of kindness could you do during this Lenten season?
Tara May
1TM teacher

In Reception, we have been learning about where God lives and that God tells us He loves us in the Bible.
The Bible is like God’s love letter to us.
Together we went on a hunt to find God’s love letters in the school and we reflected upon what each message was telling us about God’s love for us.
James Cummings
RJC teacher

A reminder to families that our next student free day will be on Tuesday 12 March 2024.
This information is recorded in the term calendar that was Seesawed to parents and caregivers.
The term calendars can also be found in the Useful Links section at the top of this newsletter.

Come and join the fun!
- Playgroup is on Wednesdays 9am-10.30am for children 0-5 years.
- Occasional Care is on Tuesdays 9am-12noon for children 3-5 years.
For more information, please access the flyers regarding Playgroup and Occasional Care from the Useful Links section at the beginning of this newsletter.
More questions?
Playgroup - Rachael Stathis
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: RStathis@olqp.catholic.edu.au
Occasional Care - Andi Benzija
- Phone: 8279 8800
- Email: Andi.Benzija@olqp.catholic.edu.au

Current opening times:
- 8.40am – 9am
- 2.45pm – 3.10pm
The second hand uniform shop service, facilitated by a dedicated group of parents, supports the community to access quality and affordable second-hand uniforms for their children.
Located in the P & F Room (near the girls' toilets, adjacent the basketball courts).
Call 8279 8800 if you require more information, or alternatively, you can email the P & F Committee using this email: PNF@olqp.catholic.edu.au.
P & F Committee

New families and permanent bookings:
All new family bookings and permanent bookings need to be made through the OSHC office.
Please contact Jo on 0417 840 700, or pop into either the OSHC office or front office for an information pack.
Jo Fahey
OSHC Director
