Please click on our Frequently Asked Question below to expand our response:

School fees can be paid on regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments via direct debit to a nominated account. Other payment options include Qkr! App, credit card, BPay or cheque.

Families who do not qualify for School Card but are in genuine financial difficulty may apply for a reduction in School fees. A confidential appointment can be made with the Principal to discuss your individual situation.

OLQP offer two entry points for Reception students:

  • The first entry point will be Term 1 where a child will turn 5 years of age on or before 30 April of that year. 
  • The second entry point will be in Term 3 where a child will turn 5 years of age by 31 October of that year.

OLQP offers Reception to Year 6.

Our Lady Queen of Peace will accept enrolment from years R-6, depending on availability.

You lodge an application form and then an appointment for an enrolment interview will be arranged approximately 12 months prior to your child beginning school.

All families are welcome at Our Lady Queen of Peace. We are an all-inclusive school.

We have an allergy awareness policy, and we endeavour to guarantee the safety of all of our students.  Please contact the School Office for more information about allergy awareness.

Yes OLQP School provides an excellent out of school hours service.  For more information please go to the Out of School Hours Care page.